Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Yes, and this is also the opinion of the vast majority of informed F1 followers who, on a respected site voted that Lewis would beat Jenson this season despite scoring less points last season. Otherwise they would all believe that Button was now better having 'scared off' Lewis

I wonder, are you referring to our Team-Mate Prediction game? Well, here are the votes as they stand at McLaren.


But I would also like to point out, there is a lot of caution going on. When you look at how the Fence has been played, it has been played joint-most at McLaren and Force India.

Based on last years rules, I think the predictions were pretty good, I think it would take a brave or daft person to bet against Lewis with those rules. It looks like there has been a swing this year. Must look at the rule changes, maybe even have a punt!
But I would also like to point out, there is a lot of caution going on. When you look at how the Fence has been played, it has been played joint-most at McLaren and Force India.

I wonder if the nature of the caution in both cases are the same though

Force India, with 2 drivers of which the jury is still out, DIR a good steady driver vs Hulk a more dynamic, possibly faster but with less experience, that's a tough one to call and so the fence is a good choice

With McLaren, I think it's more a question of caution in case the real Lewis doesn't show up

What I am saying is that if the choice is (its not) between Lewis with no issues vs Jenson with no issues I reckon we would not see too many fences and a lot more jokers
Based on last years rules, I think the predictions were pretty good, I think it would take a brave or daft person to bet against Lewis with those rules. It looks like there has been a swing this year. Must look at the rule changes, maybe even have a punt!

You have till Thursday...!
I think that taking Lewis's superiority in qualifying, regardless of issues I think that it is still likely to be Lewis. I would suggest that based on the new scoring system that Lewis would have still won last year, despite the WDC tables, as Jenson inished ahead one more time than Lewis, and the qualifying was strongly in Lewis' favour.
I wonder if the nature of the caution in both cases are the same though

Force India, with 2 drivers of which the jury is still out, DIR a good steady driver vs Hulk a more dynamic, possibly faster but with less experience, that's a tough one to call and so the fence is a good choice

With McLaren, I think it's more a question of caution in case the real Lewis doesn't show up

What I am saying is that if the choice is (its not) between Lewis with no issues vs Jenson with no issues I reckon we would not see too many fences and a lot more jokers

Or possibly that people have to play it somewhere LOL

I would agree with that last bit. And, don't forget that the jokers are more an indication of whats happening elsewhere, the majority of people (including you) have gone for Alonso.
I think that taking Lewis's superiority in qualifying, regardless of issues I think that it is still likely to be Lewis. I would suggest that based on the new scoring system that Lewis would have still won last year, despite the WDC tables, as Jenson inished ahead one more time than Lewis, and the qualifying was strongly in Lewis' favour.


Was what we called a draw but actually a 6 point win for Hamilton!
Really interesting statement from Lewis.

Please don't shoot me down if you disagree with me - but what I regard this as is an admission of a superman complex. An overconfidence in your ability which means that you believe that you can turn up and beat everyone with less preparation than anyone else might need - that your natural talent will be enough to overcome any defecit of preparation. It happens a lot to high flying businessmen who achieve fantastic highs at the height of thier careers and get overconfident and turn thier focus to the rewards rather than achieving the full potential in thier jobs.

I am really positive about Lewis' statement, as he is apportioning blame to himself in a way that sounds more like a self-realisation than an attempt to project such. This is actually a fundamental change in his own belief system and may mark the coming of a more mature and humble Hamilton - realising that his competitors are strong enough that where he lost last year was in the amount of work they put in to obtain what he may have taken for granted.

I've been fairly bold with my analysis so am cowering as I hit the reply button. Here we go...
The article's a bit thin on content but basically Hamilton has admitted he's a tit for being a party boy last year.

If you want to be a sportsman/athlete at the top of the pile, you can forget about stuff like that.
Great stuff, like many a young whizz kid before he got carried away and like a lot less he has worked it out quickly and is motivated to eradicate this, just what we would expect from a real star who is also a trailblazer

but what I regard this is an admission of a superman complex. An overconfidence in your ability which means that you believe that you can turn up and beat everyone with less preparation than anyone else might need - that your natural talent will be enough to overcome any defecit of preparation. It happens a lot to high flying bankers who achieve fantastic highs at the height of thier careers and get overconfident and turn thier focus to the rewards rather than achieving the full potential in thier jobs.

I suspect that you mean traders and not bankers. Bankers in general are just glorified sales staff, traders at investment banks or hedge funds on the other hand are a lot more dependent on their abilities and brains and are therefore the ones who are more comparable to F1 drivers with inate talents
The article's a bit thin on content but basically Hamilton has admitted he's a tit for being a party boy last year.

If you want to be a sportsman/athlete at the top of the pile, you can forget about stuff like that.

I think that you've summed up what I was trying to say quite succinctly. I do get a bit long winded sometimes.
I wonder if those who have criticised Button for a playboy lifestyle will now do the same for Hamilton.

He's a mid=twenties man who has been introduced to temptations that he can afford. Now it looks as though he may have realised that it's his hard work and focusing on F1 which has creating his success, so he is returning to that.
I think if Lewis were to sail his yacht into Monaco before he had even won a race, he might be labelled a playboy

He is a mid twenties man brought up on a strong diet of discipline and hard work by his father. Having achieved some success and a WC and then sampled some of the 'high life' it's amazing how quickly he has wised up to what the best do, which is to avoid a certain lifestyle and maintain an athletes approach
I hope at some point in 2011, Lewis came to some epiphany which we will look back at in future seasons for the reason he eventually achieved his potential.
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