Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
So in your opinion, Lewis' loss of form was due to suddenly thinking he couldn't beat Button ( but in 2007, Alonso didn't cause the same panic)


(edit: I find it funny as Lewis has said himself that he was not affected by Button, but let's assume he is lying shall we LOL)

Martin Whitmarsh said it was true, so one of them is lying, but I think it is OK to blame Whitmarsh for stuff, cos that is all true.

I am not assuming that Lewis is lying, however, I would not have expected him to say anything else. Hell, Heikki Kovalainen would never openly admit that Lewis completely got the better of him. Webber will continue to say that Vettel is not out of his reach, as all drivers will.

What they say to the press and what they really believe could be very different. Also, even if they believe what they state, that also does not mean that it is true. If it was true, Lewis may not see things in the same way as other people.
Martin Whitmarsh said it was true, so one of them is lying, but I think it is OK to blame Whitmarsh for stuff, cos that is all true.

I am not assuming that Lewis is lying, however, I would not have expected him to say anything else. Hell, Heikki Kovalainen would never openly admit that Lewis completely got the better of him. Webber will continue to say that Vettel is not out of his reach, as all drivers will.

What they say to the press and what they really believe could be very different. Also, even if they believe what they state, that also does not mean that it is true. If it was true, Lewis may not see things in the same way as other people.

Logical points to put forward. However it is know that Whitmarsh has feelings for Button that could cloud his judgement ( he wept in public ) so the advantage would be with Lewis' version in this part.

A current racing driver who races Lewis on track, in today's cars, that's the opinion I would submit, Webber says it as it is, everyone else is not as qualified to give an opinion on this (it corroborates Lewis') and that my good friend includes you and I

The evidence (so far) supports Racecubs premise more than your own, you challenged her opinion so no one is being childish or disrespectful for pointing this out


(edit; in a weeks time we will have lots of new things to discuss! Yes!!!!!!)
Apologies CFS, but at what point was I Challenging Racecub? unless I mistook one of her Posts for yours? Edit: Just seen that the initial post was from Racecub, my point was in answer to the following post from yourself.

If a current F1 driver who races on track is the only person able to have an opinion, I will ask Felipe Massa next time I see him. I do not disagree with your point, really, but I am sure there are still opinions with active F1 drivers which would not correlate,

Also, you demean your otherwise perfectly positioned post with the mention of "Whitfarce having feelings for Button which could cloud his judgement" I would of course point out that despite your assertion of bias, he is also the person likely to be able to see what is going on first hand, more so than Webber. Webber also was in a position of being bested by his team mate, so I would expect a little bit of sympathy from his side, I mean, to disagree with Lewis would be to open up a whole can of worms on his own position, and I am sure he did not want that.
Looking at the evidence, it's hard to believe and I am therefore unable to agree even slightly with your opinion that Lewis' agitation and drop in form are linked to Buttons performance

Firstly Lewis himself has said that this was not the case. I would rather assume he knows more than you do about what caused his slump in results. Even if we assume that you know better than he does then you will have to prove that he is lying or unaware of his own existence

CFX...... IMO you are as usual right on point, regarding Lewis's so called loss in form, especially due to Button's performance.

In a recent interview regardiing a comment made from Christian Horner, that Jenson would again repeat the trick this year.

Hamilton responded that he wasn't affected by such talk and said... " if it had been a case where we had both been really competitive during the year and I lost it through fierce competitiveness, then I think it would have been quite tough to deal with "......." But knowing that it had been a year when, I had just thrown away points and made very silly mistakes. I wasn't too devastated by it. "
Calm down guys.

I can find you fifty articles about potential banning of Hamilton after Monaco. That would be a waste of my time, though.

Here is one:

Now, if you want more, do what I did and google "ban Monaco Hamilton".

How about 663 comments in one article, dealing with Lewis moving from Switzerland to Monaco. It's just:censored: unbelievable with the number of negative comments that were made, with hardly any mention of Jenson also living in Monaco for the obvious same reasons.
Hamilton responded that he wasn't affected by such talk and said... " if it had been a case where we had both been really competitive during the year and I lost it through fierce competitiveness, then I think it would have been quite tough to deal with "......." But knowing that it had been a year when, I had just thrown away points and made very silly mistakes. I wasn't too devastated by it. "

Yes, and this is also the opinion of the vast majority of informed F1 followers who, on a respected site voted that Lewis would beat Jenson this season despite scoring less points last season. Otherwise they would all believe that Button was now better having 'scared off' Lewis

I can guarantee that there is only one person in whole world who knows what goes on inside Lewis's head and that is Lewis himself..

Sometimes we don't know what's going on in our own heads and we seek answers from others. Sometimes it is evident externally that we don't know and others offer answers without request.

It is human nature that not only do we try to understand ourselves, but also others.
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