Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
I don't think any of those were worth a penalty. The Schumacher overtake was fair racing. Maldonado definitely turned in on Lewis. Massa and Lewis didn't give each other any quarter and were both to blame.

That interview was from the season review this evening, wasn't it? I loved Nick Heidfeld's comment about Kamui on the radio after losing his front wing. Shame we miss so much of this during the BBC coverage. Maybe Sky will give us more of these great snippets.
Well anyone would moan about a penalty wouldn't they? The stewards are there for a reason, if the decisions they take are not to the liking of driver, team, spectator then there's not a lot that can be done about it. I'm sure many drivers moan about the penalties they get but that's tough, we can disagree, but I can't remember a decision being overturned.
I had never seen that. :o I completely agree with Lewis on everything he said though. I've deleted everything I just wrote on the matter because I think it is old news now, but I think it was fairly obvious that Massa and Maldonado turned in on Lewis, putting them both in danger. You want to defend your place? Move to the inside or drive faster, don't simply turn in on someone.

Just read this unbelievable article from Tom Cary. I don't know much about him, but I don't think he knows much about Lewis Hamitlon either.

Wobbles in 2009 and 2010, when the car was not a match for his talents, were warning signs but Hamilton’s fall from grace reached its nadir last year, with off-track distractions affecting his on-track performance to such an extent that he was up before the beak nine times during the season.

There are those within the sport, and high up in it too, who feel that that stardust has gone, that Hamilton will never again light up Formula One as he did in 2007 and 2008. Hamilton is determined to prove them wrong.

Wobbles in 2009 and 10? What wobbles were those. I think Hamilton's driving in 2009 was a peak for him. He was clearly driving the wheels of that piece of junk and then he finally got some results that reflected this later in the season. As for 2010, was he not driver of the season, or 2nd to Alonso. Other than some unfortunate incidences late on, Hamilton lead the season at times when he had the 3rd fastest car and put in some of the performances of his career.

And as for him losing his stardust, aside from the collisions he had this season, did we not see Lewis only slightly short of his best. Superb wins in China, Germany and Abu Dhabi, if that is someone who has lost their stardust, I'd be crapping myself for when he gets it back...
Yep. Launched yesterday, I think. There is apparently a two hour season preview show which is repeating tomorrow. I've set TiVo to record it.

Ooo...I might venture down to see it. I'm going to be cautious with this new channel though. One of the reasons I think I get so excited by F1 weekends is the fact that coverage is fairly restricted in between. I wouldn't want to spend all week watching classic F1, then be less interested in the race weekends because I know I can always tune in to Sky Sports F1 on a monday or tuesday and watch an old race.
Yep. I'm actually not that interested in F1 history, so the reruns of classics can stay in the archives. I cant see myself sitting diwn for 2 hours watching any sporting event from more than a year ago.

However, I have to stay on top of current news as it adds to the anticipation. I like being a clever dick and two steps ahead of the commentary team, too. I'll use the channel as another source to stay on top of the now and the future.
Two steps ahead of the commentary team isn't really that difficult. I normally have a far better idea than they do as to what is going on. Don't understand why they are so clueless sometimes. Think they spend too much time looking at lap times, than watching the little rolling timing gaps at the bottom. I think it was China where they took about a lap to realise Rosberg was leading after undercutting about 5 cars with his pit stop, even though you could see that it was going to happen simply from the gaps at the bottom of the screen.
...and of course you have to follow the news, spend all night on CTA talking rubbish and watching the odd archived race BBC offer you, but it is nowhere near the ease of access that you get with football. The average gap between me watching a football match must be about a day...
Great expressive yet measured interview

That's how I saw the the Massa and Maldonado incidents

Massa in particular saw Lewis in the mirror and turned in more than he had done on previous laps
Lots of drivers shut the door this way on Lewis last year but whenever a penalty was handed out it was to him

When reviewing his season I think we tend to forget how obviously he was targeted by severel stewards

Lets hope this years bunch haven't been watching Mississippi burning too often
I think Ive seen that interview before. Lewis said what he felt and I think he was pretty spot on. I agree with him. For some reason the interview upset some people:disappointed: Id much rather see Lewis like that, putting his view and fighting his corner, rather than the Lewis at the end of the season who was apologising for everything. What pressure must have been brought to bear on him for that turnaround? Id hazzard a guess that that was the cause of much of his agitation, not being able to be himself. Now that would cause disquiet in a person!
Id hazzard a guess that that was the cause of much of his agitation, not being able to be himself. Now that would cause disquiet in a person!

And I presume that it is something that everybody in the world has to put up with from time to time. If its towing the party line that has caused his downward spiral of form, then I have absolutely no sympathy.
And I presume that it is something that everybody in the world has to put up with from time to time. If its towing the party line that has caused his downward spiral of form, then I have absolutely no sympathy.

I would rather think its a lot more than towing the party line in the case of the first black trailblazing driver in the pinnacle of the sporting world. I am not sure everyone has had to contend with this as well as being reined in for making a joke about the possibility of a little bias from the stewards

The guy makes a little joke referring to something that's obvious to any one who has followed F1 recently, that something being that many many don't like him be ause he doesn't look or act like F1 drivers before him. He then gets derision and condemnation from all quarters for speaking his mind, even his team reinhim in

No wonder the guy felt disquiet and agitation perhaps leading to feeling uncomfortable and losing focus
5 seasons though? If the issue is as you have opined, then it seems rather strange that it waited for 5 years to manifest itself.
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