Pit Stop World Championship 2014


Valued Member
Ladies and Gentlemens

The Pitstop WDC and WCC Championship is back for 2014 ...

Results after Race 898 - Australia are posted below ... a dominant 1-2 for Ferrari ... with the Kimster holding off Fernando ... a clear margin over the trailing pack headed by Romain Grosjean (no jokes here please regarding how good they should be at pitstops since their car lives their ....), both McLarens, the RBR of DR ... both Force India's, Bianchi (excellent work Marussia) and the second Lotii of Maldonado claims the last point and the non surprising 14th place of the race winner Rosberg ... why rush something to mess it up when you have at least 2/3rds of a second advantage over your next competitor ... even with the debatable additional fuel flow ...


Updated Pitstop WDC and WCC Championship ... through Bahrain: R03 of 19

Luca ... give me a call mate ... 555-1234 ... Ferrari are DOMINATING the fastest pitstop WDC and WCC ... all is not lost ... I normally don't get out of bed for less than two hundred grand a month ... but I will for you tiger ... that number again ... 555-1234 ... call me ... ;)

Malaysia ... Ferrari 1-2 ... this time with the Kimster taking down the chocolates ... a solid podium for McLaren and Magnussen ... for some reason Lewis and Merc were 5th (why rush ?) just behind the RBR of SV ...both Williams, the other McLaren, Nico and Ricci round out the top 10 ... Ferrari advantage of 2/10 th's over the field ... about one tenth pulled back from Melbourne ... but still dominant ...

Bahrain ... Force India and the Hulk sneak a win ... 0.013 s over Kimi ... with the consistent JB in 3rd followed by Fernando ... Massa, Magnus, Lewis, Sergio, DR and Nico round out the top 10 ... Ferrari advantage in time has been at least matched by Force India and McLaren this time out ...

WDC ... Kimster leading with 61 over Fernando's 55 ... Magnus and JB a distant 3rd and 4th with 35 and 31 ...

WCC ... Scuderia Ferrari a whopping 116 pts leading Ron Dennis Auto on 66 ... Force India 39 ... the rest already looking for CV's for next season ...

Pt 1 file - fastest times table and the classification table
Pt 2 file - Pitstop WDC points table and WCC points table

A comment / comparison to last year ... RBR have nosedived ... at the start of last year they were this years Ferrari in terms of fastest pitstops ... I am wondering if there is a positive correlation to on track performance ... however slight ...


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The imaginary arms race between the QWC 2014 and PSWC 2014 has lead to investors behind the PSWC investing in a significant technology upgrade over the weekend .... internet ... pictures ... copy and paste ... no more chq's can be written until mid-May now....

Here are the results from the first four rounds of the 2014 season ....

Me old China saw young-ish Seb and RBR take home their first pit stop race of the year ... DR coming 3rd split by the consistent JB at Ron Dennis Auto's ...with the other RDA pilot taking 4th ... an excellent 5th for Sauber and Guti ... Hulk, Alonso, Perez, Hamilton and Raikkonen rounding out the points paying slots ...

It would appear that under the harsh evil eye of the late bespectacled Messr SD, the pit crew seemed to perform at an extremely high level ... the jury is out under new mgmt .... did he know he is supposed to look at them when a car is pitting ...

Constructors is still Ferrari way out in front, however Ron Dennis Auto and RBR have pulled some of the gap back ...

Kimi still leads the drivers by a solitary point over Alonso ... with JB a bakers dozen off the lead ...with young Conan Magnussen nipping at his heels ...


We have the technology ... to .... post .... the .... results .... in ..... the body of a post .... rather than attachments ... we have had to let Conan the IT guy go ...

PSWC 2014 (R01_19).JPG
Round 05 / 19 - Barcelona

Another RBR triumph ... another Sebastian Vettel victory ... Fernando keeping the Ferrari pit crew relevant ... followed by both McLaren's ... super consistent work this year ... followed by DR, Pastor (I have it on the down low that they try to service him as fast as possible as to avoid any pit lane accidents amongst Lotii mechanics) ... early WDPSC leader Kimi, Romain, Nico and Sergio rounding out the top 10 ...

Drivers Championship .... whoa nelly ... nice and close ... 18 pts separate the top 5 drivers ... Fernando leads Kimi, with Seb and young Conan Magnussen in close attendance ... JB right behind his team mate (no jokes please) ... with the Hulk and DR trying to get on terms with the front runners ...

Constructors ... Ferrari still lead and thanks to Fernando banking another solid points haul in Spain ... Mercedes edging closer to Williams ... Caterham and Toro Rosso still looking for wheel guns and lollipops ... (if anyone can help them out please get in touch) ...

PSWC 2014 (R05_19).JPG
WDPSC after R05_19.JPG
WCPSC after R05_19.JPG
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At least Mercedes aren't winning everything LOL

But I suppose there is no need for them to rush. Nice and steady wins the race...
Exactly ... when the only pressure you are facing is from yourself ... then that can be managed / mitigated ...
UPDATE: Constructors points totals were not updated on last post ... and there I had a $1,000,000 prize for the first person that noticed ...

Corrected standings here ... with the mighty Mercedes team moving up to the 5th pushing Williams down to 6th ...

WCPSC after R05_19.JPG
verRound 06 / 19 - Monaco

Just what the real championship needed (why the Pitstop Championship for those of you foolish enough to ask) ... only one of the top five drivers placing at Monte Carlo ... the win went to the completely dominant and magnificent Felipe Massa in the Martini Williams ... by four tenths no less ! ... with Nico 2nd and Romain 3rd ... an excellent Kamui came in the 4th with Kimi settling for 5th place. The minor placings were taken by JEV, Ericsson, Bottas, the Hulk and Guti. The tight Monte Carlo pit lane and safety car carpet bombing of stops providing for a significant time spread ...

Drivers Championship .... whoa nelly mark 2 ... still nice and close ... Kimi's 5th closes the gap to WDPSC leader Alonso to a solitary point ... with Seb, Conan Magnussen and JB separated by a single point 18 pts behind Alonso. and this races result tightened up 6th thru 9th. Only three drivers are still to collect any points after six rounds ... Sutil, Kyvat and Maxie Boy ...

Constructors ... Ferrari stretch their advantage over Ron Dennis Auto's and (Vodka) Red Bull ... with Martini Williams, Lotus and Merc all gaining ground on Force India in 4th spot. All teams have now banked points... onwards we go to Canadia ...

PSWC 2014 (R06_19).JPG
WDPSC after R06_19.JPG
WCPSC after R06_19.JPG
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