Jenson Button

Arguably the best ever driver in mixed conditions, all his wins at Mclaren have come in those conditions. His last race win in the dry came at the 2009 Turkish GP.

Button is known for his smooth driving style and is normally seen in must races doing one less stop than his rivals for tyres.

Buttons also know to be a bit of a practical joker and will take part in anything fun.

Since his debut in 2000 Button has won the majority of hearts in this country. But what is your favourite JB win?

Mine has to be Hungaroring 2006, in argubly a midfield team and he won the race in those mixed conditions to take his first win. I can remember James Allen been in tears almost and that was the first race Anthony Davidson ever commentated on.
Which translates as having a dig, which was also my interpretation. The thing is that Lewis didn't criticise McLaren, he praised Mercedes. I am certain that there is still a needle between these two drivers and more and more so it is apparent that the snidey remarks and catalyst comes from Jenson. I don't like it and I don't think it paints him in a good light. It's rather unnecessary.
He's done this from the beginning and it's why I don't like him. He's very good at making these digs and hiding it behind a laugh. Maybe he's trying a little too hard in this interview. He's not a sincere person. I'm so glad Lewis is away from him and is rising above the nonsense.
Sure. I don't disagree with that statement at all, teabagyokel. I guess a driver would be willing to make more sacrifices (in obligation and moral) when their talent does not single them out as top of the crop. I can't see how it ratifies the contradictions that Jenson makes in his interview but I do agree with your last statement. Jenson must surely be able to put himself in Lewis' shoes and see that nothing that Lewis has said is either a slight at McLaren or anything other than the open truth.
I can only summarise because Lewis has been talking having less commitment to sponsors and more freedom to do what he wants ... he supposedly is releasing a new album and no doubt can start brand Hamilton and enjoying this

Jenson's response if you think about it has a point Mclaren income is based on F1 success so you would have to do more work for the sponsors compared to Mercedes who can use road cars and other parts of the business to bring in the money including getting other teams paying for their engines
Jenson has a point and it is relevant but it is a point of affordance. Lewis found McLaren's environment demanding beyond what he was willing to submit. This is not the case for Jenson. So whilst Jenson makes a valid point in the latter part of his quote he contradicts the first point he makes in response to Lewis' which is that freedoms at McLaren are plentiful. I don't disagree with Jenson's summary of the reasoning behind these demands and extra commitments. He puts this quite eloquently. It is that he initially refutes Hamilton's claim in Hamilton's context and then justifies it in his own. He does this, however, without acknowledging or differentiating the context which results in a polar contradiction.

I'm going to move on from this now. I probably said enough in my forst post. Onwards to FP1 in 5 hours.
I agree. That was certainly my initial intention and I have tried to steer it back on a number of occasions. What has being discussed here is comments made by Jenson with regards to Lewis (hopefully we are done until the next chapter). If you want to blame someone, blame Jenson. ;)
Hmm. I ignored what the press said and just referred to the quotes, which are explicit. If the quotes were not made to the press then they would not be reported by the press.
I believe that the quotes are true, the words in between may or may not be, and any individuals interpretation of what the words mean is very much shaped by that persons opinion of the person making the quote.
I wouldn't be surprised as the whole article didn't make any sort of sense to me as you said it completely contradicted itself, if Jenson is supposed to be so good at dealing with the press then why would he tie himself up in knots in such a way?

It is very difficult to know how the answers related to the questions put to him, as the question are omitted from the article and so how can it possibly be judged?
The Pits. Or conversely their opinions of the persons might be influenced by the nature and content of the quotes, as is the more objective approach to making any judgements about individuals.
Maybe. Generally speaking though, I would suggest otherwise. People have a tendancy to make up their minds about something or someone, and then justify the decision afterwards, hence why the first few seconds of a job interview are so important.
racecub - Who has done what from the very beginning? Are you saying Jenson has been having digs at others from the beginning of his career? Do you have proof of this or is it just another one of your made up suppositions?

ExtremeNinja - I am not going to bother arguing the point with you, but will say that if you are going to bring something up between Jenson and Lewis, there is a thread for that, especially as you go into discussing their 'talent' as you see it. Maybe Josh was right... :whistle:

Hamberg - Is there any real need for the colourful language?

What I read from the interview is that Jenson was asked specific questions and answered them, then the 'journalist' or his editor has decided to make a story out of it.

There is not a thread for that. As I mentioned earlier, that thread has been deemed defunct and therefor has been closed. If Jenson mentions Lewis in statement to the media then this is the only place to put it. Would it be a problem if he had mentioned another driver and I had posted a quote on here? This is not a driver vs. driver conversation. I was pointing to a contradictory set of consecutive statements made by Jenson. The fact that Lewis is an element of the subject matter is circumstantial.
Sometimes it is better to not say anything when asked leading questions...

He doth protesteth too much my lord...

If JB was trying to get into LH head a little then based on the FP1 and FP2 times he had good reason too ... they might be duking it out down in 9th place on Sunday .... :whistle:
I don't think Jenson needs to get into Lewis' head ZakspeedYakspeed, I think he needs to concentrate on getting that pig of a McLaren up the grid. I think he drove a great race last Sunday to get it to 9th and actually make up a place on his starting position when no one in front went out. He also beat a Lotus when the other Lotus won and managed to hold off much faster cars for quite a while, so would say it was a very skillfull drive.

Just hope the 2 development paths this weekend give some good results and they get things sorted at McLaren so that Jenson can be up there fighting for wins.
I don't disagree RickD ... sometimes saying less means more ...

He did a pretty solid job to hold onto 9th (Rosberg did go out) ... and Mercedes power manages to keep a lot of wolves at bay (just ask poor old slow off the line Webber who probably lost 6-9 seconds behind him early in the race after their first round of pit stops)...

The good thing about JB is that he has had experience wrestling trucks around F1 tracks (with Honda)... and I think he has the mental strength to fight through their current development jungle...
McLaren (Whitmarsh, Button and Perez) are actually making me want to vomit with the amount of "we are so happy and supportive to each other" gushing that is going on and it can only be in response to comments from one person and I completely agree they have more things to worry about. Yet they seem to think this is important and they must assume we are all anencephalics if they think we can't see through the PR bullshit. Not sure if it's anything to do with getting in Lewis' head but discrediting his views it most certainly is and Jenson is likely towing the party line.

Button's drive on Sunday was distinctly average. His qualifying under the circumstances was pretty good so getting points was not bad.
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