Jenson Button

Arguably the best ever driver in mixed conditions, all his wins at Mclaren have come in those conditions. His last race win in the dry came at the 2009 Turkish GP.

Button is known for his smooth driving style and is normally seen in must races doing one less stop than his rivals for tyres.

Buttons also know to be a bit of a practical joker and will take part in anything fun.

Since his debut in 2000 Button has won the majority of hearts in this country. But what is your favourite JB win?

Mine has to be Hungaroring 2006, in argubly a midfield team and he won the race in those mixed conditions to take his first win. I can remember James Allen been in tears almost and that was the first race Anthony Davidson ever commentated on.
I'm sure that every human being has personality flaws I know I have but that doesn't mean they should be used to beat me round the head with, the fact is if you like someone then you forgive them certain things even if you don't like that trait in them I'm sure you do that very same thing with Lewis racecub as we all know he has flaws just like everyone else has....
Let's say I wonder where are those fools who thought Jenson was a no hoper against Lewis and has not only beaten him over a season but also partly responsible for driving him out of Mclaren:whistle:

People like Mark Hughes and Ross Brawn knew what they were talking about when Button joined Mclaren to take on Hamilton
I'm Well aware that Lewis has his faults. Rasputini it was you who said Jenson would not be missing personality trophies, I just commented on that.
Il LeoneRoss didn't fight too hard to keep Jenson whatever he may have said.
I don't know what fools you're talking about that said Jenson was a no hoper,he's a good driver,if somewhat sensitive to a mishandling car. it was shortsighted of anyone to right him off,just as its shortsighted now if people say he won't win next year, he might. yes, he finished higher than Lewis last year but there are few if any people with any knowledge of F1 who rate him higher than Hamilton. and to say he is partly responsible for driving Hamilton out of McLaren is far wide of the mark. Lewis thought long and hard about his decision and from all he's said Button didn't factor. Lewis needed a new challenge,was perhaps stifled with the way McLaren run things. mcLaren do seem to have a habit of losing top line drivers. lets see how Button goes next year as team leader, he'll not have Lewis' settings to copy next year so it will be interesting.And Im not saying he won't cope, Im saying it will be interesting.
I really don't know where you get the Idea that Jenson copied Hamilton's settings racecub McLaren simply went back to base line settings when Jenson was struggling and he certainly didn't copy Lewis at Spa or at Japan it was Lewis who was struggling with set up at those two races, this nonsense about him copying settings from Lewis is just that nonsense, all team members share data.

Some share with their team mate and some spread the word on twitter....;)
"I guess the first thing you do is set up the car like the other car, and that's what we'll do initially," the 2009 World Champion confirmed. "There will be settings that Lewis prefers more than anybody else does because that's how he sets it up.
"I won't be as quick as him on those settings, but then we can work from there and find a set-up that works for me."

Back to Jenson, nothing wrong at all with striving to be the senior driver in the team, it's the best way to win.
"There will be settings that Lewis prefers more than anybody else does because that's how he sets it up.
"I won't be as quick as him on those settings, but then we can work from there and find a set-up that works for me."

And vice versa which is exactly my point, team mates work together on set up always have done always will do, end of.
I'm Well aware that Lewis has his faults. Rasputini it was you who said Jenson would not be missing personality trophies, I just commented on that.
Il LeoneRoss didn't fight too hard to keep Jenson whatever he may have said.
I don't know what fools you're talking about that said Jenson was a no hoper,he's a good driver,if somewhat sensitive to a mishandling car. it was shortsighted of anyone to right him off,just as its shortsighted now if people say he won't win next year, he might. yes, he finished higher than Lewis last year but there are few if any people with any knowledge of F1 who rate him higher than Hamilton. and to say he is partly responsible for driving Hamilton out of McLaren is far wide of the mark. Lewis thought long and hard about his decision and from all he's said Button didn't factor. Lewis needed a new challenge,was perhaps stifled with the way McLaren run things. mcLaren do seem to have a habit of losing top line drivers. lets see how Button goes next year as team leader, he'll not have Lewis' settings to copy next year so it will be interesting.And Im not saying he won't cope, Im saying it will be interesting.

I never mentioned Lewis Hamilton. I delib didn't write his name. This is the Jenson Button thread and my point was about Jenson and would have been the same whoever his teammate was or wasn't. I do find it interesting that after nearly two season of claiming Whitmarsh and Button were trying to force Lewis out of Mclaren that you've now decided his decision was all his own.
I've never said they've tried to force him out, he's too valuable a point scorer for that I've said they favoured Button , and this point of view has been vindicated by Buttons own words regarding building a team around himself..."it's happening now at McLaren"
racecub - The point of view has been vindicated in your eyes, not in others eyes. The fact that Jenson is building the team around huimself is nothing to do with favouritism, it is knowing what it takes to win and trying to get that to happen. I personally believe it is down to Jensons personality and the drive he has along with the charm he shows. His team-mate seem to lack this trait and human nature being what it is will naturally do more for the person who has your back and doesn't need to be treated with kid gloves..
racecub - The point of view has been vindicated in your eyes, not in others eyes. The fact that Jenson is building the team around huimself is nothing to do with favouritism, it is knowing what it takes to win and trying to get that to happen. I personally believe it is down to Jensons personality and the drive he has along with the charm he shows. His team-mate seem to lack this trait and human nature being what it is will naturally do more for the person who has your back and doesn't need to be treated with kid gloves..

the very best conmen are charming.and 1 pole in 3 years isnt good enough to build the team around and win championships.
they need a dominant car next season.if its tight again jenson wont win the championship.
and who cares about charm,they are supposed to be trying to win the wcc and wdc.
I really don't know where you get the Idea that Jenson copied Hamilton's settings racecub McLaren simply went back to base line settings when Jenson was struggling and he certainly didn't copy Lewis at Spa or at Japan it was Lewis who was struggling with set up at those two races, this nonsense about him copying settings from Lewis is just that nonsense, all team members share data.

Some share with their team mate and some spread the word on twitter....;)

hold on a minute,didnt lewis have a failure within a rear damper in japan?and wasnt lewis given the wrong advice in spa?
also we know that jenson was given all of lewis data when he was struggling.his performances have improved since then.
but for lewis,he has had a gearbox problem,suspension problem,and now his cars not working again??3 times in a row.
why would lewis all of a sudden be struggling in korea when he has 1 pole and two second places there since 2010?
McLaren/Jenson's physio's twitter post in Suzuka.
So sneaky and underhand the way Button tries to bring the team together around him...
michael collier@mikeycollier
Enjoyed a fun team run with the Mclaren boys, @jessybondgirl@JensonButton and @Chris_Buncombe Nice little team builder. Well done everyone.

Daringly short, shorts from JB there, bet Martin likes them :snigger: . Best not bend over otherwise his nut sack might pop out. Also, is that Peter Mandelson standing to the right to Jenson's missus (who is rather scarily standing to ATTENSHUN!)?
The worse one is standing 2 places to Jenson's left. It looks like he is wearing a pair of Big Daddy's shorts, and has really had to pull them up!
racecub riskitall - Nice to see you know a lot about human nature.

Also, who's to say whether Jenson will win the title next year, I don't think you can even have the slightest clue either way. I do remember a lot of people saying that it was a mistake him going to Mclaren, but hasn't turned out that way, has it? I personally think he will be in with a good shout at another title next year, each to their own though eh...
This is turning into a caption competition but the guy to Jessica's left, in the blue T-Shirt, looks like he's got a bit "over excited" stood next to a lingerie model.
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