Jenson Button

Arguably the best ever driver in mixed conditions, all his wins at Mclaren have come in those conditions. His last race win in the dry came at the 2009 Turkish GP.

Button is known for his smooth driving style and is normally seen in must races doing one less stop than his rivals for tyres.

Buttons also know to be a bit of a practical joker and will take part in anything fun.

Since his debut in 2000 Button has won the majority of hearts in this country. But what is your favourite JB win?

Mine has to be Hungaroring 2006, in argubly a midfield team and he won the race in those mixed conditions to take his first win. I can remember James Allen been in tears almost and that was the first race Anthony Davidson ever commentated on.
And if he said that, then how can you argue with it? (You can say "It's Just Not Lewis' Year"...but why should that be Button's problem?)

Jenson's stock is up at the moment and you want to strike when the iron is most hot, etc...

I mean who are McLaren going to hire if they want to win the 2012 WCC?

Button is they very best option for 2012. Only a stupid constructor would decide to not take up the option.

Yes you make a very good point there. :)
All of which is very plausible if Ferrari share Ray's assessment of Alonso, Button and Vettel.

Contrary to popular opinion, Alonso hasn't had "flawless" seasons at Ferrari. We all know about the first half of last year...and this year he's under-performed in Malaysia, China and got 0 points in Canada at a race where Ferrari had their best qualifying (ALO 2nd - MAS 3rd on the grid in Montreal). Alonso's also had sup-par qually at Hungary and Spa.

If Button feels he's nearly a match for Lewis speed wise when the car is hooked up to his liking...and is more consistent than Lewis in races, then he could feel the same way about Alonso.

If Vettel is becoming the benchmark, Ferrari will want him in their car...and they won't let Alonso dictate things if people think that Vettel's faster/better than Alonso.

What better way for Ferrari to see how good/great or not great Alonso really is by putting Button in the other car.

I'm willing to bet Button pushes Alonso hard...and possibly makes him crack.

Lewis did that to Alonso in 2007 and Alonso didn't handle it optimally.

Massa in that seat is a waste and Ferrari can certainly afford to pay two World Champions. They're not in short supply of money.

Button will be rich beyond his imagination if he gets wins at Ferrari...Imagine the merchandising!
We all know Jensons history of contract and team transfer talks. Lets hope he doesnt out manouvere himself this time round.

He is in a good position, driving well and going for things on track, he has got Whitmarsh panting, and is seemingly holding good cards.

However McLaren have the option for one more year, If he jilts Whitmarsh harshly this could all backfire.

Hell hath no fury like a Whitmarsh scorned

Alonso wants him at Ferrari? why not, he is not really going to challenge him apart from points and a win or two. Alonso knows this, knows Ferrari need the points from a dependable number two that Massa cant deliver

As for Jenson beating Hamilton, I am sure the ones who matter, like the team bosses writing cheques have computed the circumstantial evidence here, for example if the Canada racing incident had led to dnfs for both then Lewis would be beating Jenson by about 15 points.

Also its obvious Lewis has had lots of issues and unfairness that we need not go into here, anyone thinking that Jenson is suddenly a higher rated driver than Lewis or Alonso by F1 bosses is surely optimistic

Watch out Jense, all it takes is a bad run, Ferrari change their mind or decide that the Latin driver route is flavour of the week and Jenson might be out on his ass as far as a top team in 2013

At his stage of his career he cannot afford to misjudge again the sentiments that teams give out regularly about availability etc
As for Jenson beating Hamilton, I am sure the ones who matter, like the team bosses writing cheques have computed the circumstantial evidence here, for example if the Canada racing incident had led to dnfs for both then Lewis would be beating Jenson by about 15 points.

15 points which would have been caught up (and more) had Button not had a pitstop failure and mechanical problem in Britain and Germany respectively.

I'm sure come the end of the season that if Hamilton finishes ahead in the points by 1 point and Button retires from the lead of one race because a team of trained eagles carry the car away at a pitstop then you wouldn't claim that as a freak incident and that Hamilton is therefore a better driver than Button.

Anyway, the point isn't whether Button is rated higher than Hamilton and Alonso. The point is he has, for two years, kept reasonable pace with Hamilton, something few suggested that he would be doing at the start of 2010.

Remember what matters to team principals. Not outstanding overtakes and breathtaking driving. Two things matter: points and merchandise. Button is certainly popular and thus there are no worries about merchandise. Could Button get the truckload of points that could keep Stefano in his job or Luca in the money? Yes.

The only worry is that Briatore will be at Ferrari by 2013 and shaft Button again...
As for Jenson beating Hamilton, I am sure the ones who matter, like the team bosses writing cheques have computed the circumstantial evidence here, for example if the Canada racing incident had led to dnfs for both then Lewis would be beating Jenson by about 15 points.

Also its obvious Lewis has had lots of issues and unfairness that we need not go into here, anyone thinking that Jenson is suddenly a higher rated driver than Lewis or Alonso by F1 bosses is surely optimistic

Watch out Jense, all it takes is a bad run...

Jense had his bad run - through no fault of his own - in England and Germany, though!

How many points did he loose collectively in those two back-to-back races?

It was the other way round in 2010...but Jense and his fans can argue that he didn't "fit" into that car as "nicely" as he "fits" into this year's car. It's not hard to imagine not performing at 100% if the car is too tight for your frame/height. In addition, Jense has had more input into the MP4-26 than he did the 25 (obviously).

I'm not saying that Jenson is "suddenly" the better bet in relation to Lewis (or Fernando)...I'm saying that perhaps Jenson's a greater talent than most of us reckoned. Isn't that possible?

Personally, I don't think Jensons' as fast as Vettel or Hamilton...but pure pace isn't everything.

Also, i'm not entirely sure that Jenson wouldn't have the beating of Alonso from time to time. That must be worth something, no?
I doubt Button will go to Ferrari as long as they have Alonso and their #1 driver policy. Simply because I can't see either of them willing to be the #2.
By the way, Lewis should be hoping Button doesn't re-sign.

Button has had the nasty habbit of running or finishing ahead of Lewis from time to time and exerting a type of pressure from within the team that Lewis simply doesn't need if he wants to be World Champion next year.

Look at China last year or Canada and Hungary this year.

A slower driver than Button at McLaren might suit Hamilton in terms of the WDC. Someone like a Kovy!

Look at Alonso and Massa at Ferrari in Hungary in relation to Hamilton-Button at the same race:

Massa just simply let Alonso sail past him on the Hungary straight without so much as even a look while Hamilton was involved in a Dog Fight/Food Fight with his own teammate!

How does Lewis expect to win the WDC when Button's taking points off him whilst Alonso's got clear sailing and Vettel's just plain faster and more consistent than Webber?

Unless McLaren make a car that's the best/fastest car, then I can't see either Button or Hamilton being WDC.

In a situation where RBR or Ferrari make a car that's co-equal to McLaren's - like say 2007 and 2008 - then I can't see a McLaren driver winning the WDC if you have the type of form the two drivers have averaged in 2010 and thus far in 2011.
Just to clarify my previous post...what i'm saying is that - IMO - the structure and policy of Lewis-Jenson at McLaren isn't conducive to winning the WDC when you're competing against the structure/policy of Alonso-Massa at Ferrari or against a Vettel-Webber pairing at RBR - if all three cars are equal.

There's no such thing as equal cars...but let's pretend McLaren are co-equally fastest over a season in relation to Ferrari and Red Bull.

In such circumstances, Alonso will establish dominance over Massa and Vettel will do the same over Webber. Neither Massa nor Webber will take valuable points off their respective teammates but McLaren's structure and driver policy will be such that Lewis will lose out to Button from time to time (or vice versa) with the net result being very sub-optimal for Lewis (or Jenson).

I could be wrong...but i'm sure i'd be right.

If McLaren want to win the WDC, they should learn from how things went in 2007, 2010 and also from 2008.

Lewis will want a 2008-type pairing if he's to have a "fair" chance at Vettel and Alonso.

I'm sure Button wouldn't argue with that type of pairing either. He had such a pairing in 2009.
It's possible that if McLaren build a co equal car, Lewis will out qualify his teammate and start front row with Seb most races, thereby staying out of trouble and avoid testing the objectivity of the stewards

In this scenario Jenson would most likely start behind them and take points of both periodically

If the Ferrari is also co equal Alonso would snatch this position and take many more off the two super quick youngsters

Jenson in a struggling Ferrari will not be a pretty sight, he is maybe better in a struggling McLaren, but is he really interested in Wc's or to finish his career seriously rich and with respect that wasn't there a few years ago

Jense needs to tread carefully here methinks
Lets remember Jenson has just come off the back beating Lewis and overtaking the Ferrari legend Schumacher and Alonso at Monza to finish 2nd

He beat Lewis at his own game in proving how to overtake two of the toughest drivers to pass. It could be said this was the first real head to head dry race where Jenson has beaten Lewis when both are on the track with no reliability or weather factors

that would have lifted his stock very high ...he's scored 3 podiums in the last races remember
as for this story that he only wants a year deal first of all the source that broke out was a Brazilian media so is it pro Massa or cooking some stories to one knows unless someone from Brazil can shed some light on it can take it as the Brazilian " Sun " for now

Because of Jensons wrangle with WIlliams / Honda in 2005/2006 he basically put himself out of the market for possible drives available at Ferrari/ Mclaren/ Renault(??)..remember the 2nd seat at Mclaren and Ferrari were up for grabs and certainly his end of season form in 2006 would have added more weight
lets put into perspective who's out of contract next year and who is not

Vettel - tied to Red Bull 2014
Alonso tied to Ferrari 2016
Schumacher - retiring you will think

Out of contract drivers at the end of 2013
Rosberg - his 3 year stint at MErcedes end
Webber - will only do 1 year contracts at Red Bull and retirement is looming closer
Hamilton probably will determine the driver market
Massa - he seems to be heading for the downward spiral
Kubica - will he be back to his best ever
Pereze - Ferrari bound ??

so if Button decides he wants to play musical cars with these drivers and a few up and coming ones then they are going to fight for

2 seats at Mclaren
1 seat at Ferrari
1 seat at Red Bull - probably the most coveted seat wanted now
2 seats at Mercedes

Jenson should think wisely because he has finally got himself to drive for a top team and really should hold on it ...I don;pt see how Mclaren will risk having two new drivers in their team again after 2007 fall out

Alonso might say he does not mind Jenson so to speak but I am sure he might have a different opinion if he were to bang wheels with Jenson like what happened in Canada with Lewis.

Jenson would be wasting his career if he were to go to Ferrari against Alonso unless he proves to be an even better political player in the team in order to survive.

A better bet for JEnson would be Red Bull because Webber is his mate and Vettel would feel less threatened by Button's easy going approach compared to the intensely focused Hamilton...then getting rid of Webber Helmut might stick his foot or nose and decide one of his preferred drivers should get the seat
It's possible that if McLaren build a co equal car, Lewis will out qualify his teammate and start front row with Seb most races, thereby staying out of trouble and avoid testing the objectivity of the stewards

In this scenario Jenson would most likely start behind them and take points of both periodically

If the Ferrari is also co equal Alonso would snatch this position and take many more off the two super quick youngsters

Well you're making some big assumptions.

One assumption is that Vettel and Hamilton are equally fast and consistent.

A second assuption is that Vettel and Hamilton will progress equally in terms of race craft and approach to race weekends/qually/races.

They're large assumptions frankly.

What if Vettel is actually the fastest talent in F1 since Senna...and is, say, 1-10th faster than Lewis?

What if Vettel has progressed into a driver that is likely to make less driving errors and mental errors on average than Hamilton?

Already some heavy hitters who've seen it all (like Georgio Ascanelli who has worked with Senna, Schumacher and Vettel and is rating Vettel with Senna and ahead of Schumacher in terms of pure talent and Sir Stirling Moss and Sir Jackie Stewart) think Vettel is the benchmark in terms of raw pace and intelligence in F1.

So we don't know until we see both Vettel and Hamilton in the same car under co-equal circumstances. Even then we may not really know because one season isn't the same as another season and reliability or luck can play with the mind when it comes to WDC table positioning and the pressure that comes with it and the like.

Regardless, I think McLaren will actually need to build a car that is more than 1-10th faster than RBR with Vettel as driver.

Because from where i'm sitting, Button will take points off Hamilton from time to time and Vettel might just beat them both if his car is within a 10th of the McLarens at every meeting.

That's my opinion.
So let's just get this into perspective, shall we?

Jenson rebuffing McLaren to drive for Ferrari in 2013 is based on what, exactly? A brief piece in the BBC gossip column from a Brazilian article?? That has elicited no corroboration in any of what I would call the "reputable" motorsport media?

Piffle - he will be at McLaren until he hangs up his helmet. Anything else sounds to me like speculation from the Hamiltonistas who hate having a teammate who can potentially beat their inamorato. :p

(Although it has been entertaining to read the debate!;))
He beat Lewis at his own game in proving how to overtake two of the toughest drivers to pass. It could be said this was the first real head to head dry race where Jenson has beaten Lewis when both are on the track with no reliability or weather factors
I think Hamilton being pushed off the circuit may have something to do with that...
Besides, Schumacher's tyres were gone at that point, which is why he pitted for new ones.

Yes he overtook both of them, but I wouldn't class them as difficult overtakes under the circumstances.
Button seems very at home at McLaren and I'm sure if they offer him the contract he would take it regardless of who else came knocking at the door. I don't get the impression that money is his primary motivation (although I'm sure he gets paid very well), he's proven all he needed to prove by winning the World title and if McLaren give him the right car could do it again.

Would be interesting if he went up against Alonso in the same car though, remember all those who said Hamilton would blow him away? Didn't happen did it?
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