Bit late to this...
What a mess is all i can say.
There should not even be room for the different opinions in this thread. The rules should be wrapped up tight enough to prevent it this disparity.
Its not surprising Ferrari received no further punishment, all this case does is highlight the problem that has always been there since the rule came in.
I hate what happened as much as the next man, but don't see how to ever police it. Its a team sport, if your a driver lucky enough to drive with a team that proclaims equality, good for you. If you sign for Ferrari or a Ferrari-esq team, I'm sure you know what your getting into.
Grizzly /out
What a mess is all i can say.
There should not even be room for the different opinions in this thread. The rules should be wrapped up tight enough to prevent it this disparity.
Its not surprising Ferrari received no further punishment, all this case does is highlight the problem that has always been there since the rule came in.
I hate what happened as much as the next man, but don't see how to ever police it. Its a team sport, if your a driver lucky enough to drive with a team that proclaims equality, good for you. If you sign for Ferrari or a Ferrari-esq team, I'm sure you know what your getting into.
Grizzly /out