Doping in sport

Nor did I for the record, but your comment technically was. "True but Russians can hardly claim innocent til proven guilty'. Saying that a whole race isn't able to claim a basic human right, that everyone else can, is racist.

I didn't think you really meant it to read like that, but you have subsequently said ''I'm just going off reputation", and "Unfortunately there are certain sports clubs & now nations that if news breaks of a failed drugs test you are guilty by associations". These are your opinions, and you have the right to express them, but they are not mine, and not necessarily true or fair either.

These statements seem to back up your original comment.
The most baffling thing about this doping scandal, is why? Why would anyone need to take those drugs to compete in curling? It’s not as though anyone picks the curling stone up and throws it or anything requiring strength.
Meledonium aids concentration and focus so I'm told. You can take it for exams and meetings and stuff. And curling apparently.
Strong coffee does the same thing. It’s madness, why take the risk, he must have realised he was going to be tested. Or does meledonium also destroy common sense.
It’s so stupid he should be tested to see if he’s got any brain cells at all.
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Nor did I for the record, but your comment technically was. "True but Russians can hardly claim innocent til proven guilty'. Saying that a whole race isn't able to claim a basic human right, that everyone else can, is racist.

I didn't think you really meant it to read like that, but you have subsequently said ''I'm just going off reputation", and "Unfortunately there are certain sports clubs & now nations that if news breaks of a failed drugs test you are guilty by associations". These are your opinions, and you have the right to express them, but they are not mine, and not necessarily true or fair either.

These statements seem to back up your original comment.

So pastor Maldonado for example. Has hypothetical comjng together with jenson button. Your immediate Thought at who is at fault would be pastor Maldonado because of his reputaion & you would be lieing if denied that

I would immediately assume, on balance, that Maldonado was more likely to be at fault yes. But I wouldn't then think that all Venezuelans should be thought of as terrible drivers!

I would immediately assume, on balance, that Maldonado was more likely to be at fault yes. But I wouldn't then think that all Venezuelans should be thought of as terrible drivers!

How dare you prejudice Pastor Maldonado assume he us guilty & deny him the benefit of the doubt just because of his preceding repuation. It could easily have been jenson button fault. Double standards :o

Yeah ok Titch i will drop it now. Because i guess we have reached the stage were we will have to agree to disagree
Actually I think we have reached a point of misunderstanding that can only be rectified by starting again. But let’s not do that. I don’t think ........ ? ....... anyone ment to be offensive.
I think there is a CTA mandate somewhere that says I have to stick my oar in whenever there is controversy on the site so this is my obligatory post.

Boo. Hiss. Down with this sort of thing.

Cool? Right. *goes back to bed*
I'm jut going to say that doping in sport is not new, that Russian was banned from Olympics due to their massive state-sponsored doping regime. Also that when it was mentioned that a Russian athlete was tested positive for using a banned substance, I wasn't surprised. What I found really extraordinary was that he took drugs to get better at ... curling? I mean what was the purpose of that? Was he expecting to be more focused? Improve his concentration? Having said that, he got a bronze so I guess it worked for him (until he was caught).
It’s not double standards F1Brits_90. I don’t think you understand.

You haven’t defended your position on what we were discussing before so I assume you’ve given up. If you want to continue do so on private message,
It’s not double standards F1Brits_90. I don’t think you understand.

You haven’t defended your position on what we were discussing before so I assume you’ve given up. If you want to continue do so on private message,

Ive never given up i unmasked your double standads proving that. As proved by you blaming Maldonado in a 50/50 crash with Button because Maldonado repuation as a disaster. I take this stance against anyone If in future rumours of justin gatlin doping come out considering he has already served 2 drugs bans. There is not a person on this earth who will defend gatlin innocence (ie 50000 people booing him every time he started a race at august world champs) Lance Armstrong has a lifetime ban from any competive sport because he is now guilty until proven innocent because of tour de france doping. If you take a partner back an affair & then yr later you have suspicions you arent going to assume his innocence because of their history. Thats human nature. In the great saying of fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me

& also you are forgetting if this Russian was proven innocent & A sample was an anomaly. B was clean. I would apolgise for jumping to conclusion & stereoyping because Russians im wrong. But i was right rumours of failed test turns into confirmation of failed test. Its no longer an allegation. its fact. I can guarantee Russians are always going to suspicious more than any other nation because of sochi. Just like east germans in 70's

I consider this closed i wont be commenting again. I know im right. Stop pretending to be whiter than white & something your not.

I'm sure you don't mean it F1Brits_90 but that is technically a racist comment.

You cant rewrite history on a forum as it there in black & white for posterity

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