Ask The Apex

I read in one of my Lotus books that Tim Schenken who was driving a Lotus 76 at the 1974 US GP was disqualified after joining the race from the pits as the second reserve driver. Mario Andretti had failed to get off the line and therefore the first reserve car was allowed to leave the pits and join the back of the field, at the same time Schenken left the pits and followed the first car out meaning that there were now 27 cars running (28 when Andretti's crew got his Parnelli running). Both Andretti (receiving outside assistance on the track) and Schenken (illegally joining the race) were black flagged after a few laps.

What I want to know is, is this story true and when did the practice of holding no qualifiers in reserve ready to go from the pits end? I can't find anything about it and have never heard of it before, apart from that one story in my Lotus "the complete competition cars" book.

Anyone got any ideas ??
In Ulrich Schwabs' "Grand Prix 74" it is mentioned that they were both black flagged.
"Intussen duwden Andretti's monteurs de Parnelli naar het einde van de pitmuur, waar chef-monteur Dick Scammel (uit de vroegere Lotus-crew) het inspuitsysteem ontluchtte. De Parnelli liep daarna op rolletjes, maar werd in de vierde ronde wegens hulp buiten de pits gediskwalificeerd en kreeg de zwarte vlag. Ook Tim Schenken, die als tweede reserverijder illegaal was gestart, werd uit de strijd genomen."

Translation for those who don't speak dutch:
Meanwhile Andretti's engineers pushed the Parnelli to the end of the pitwall, where chief-engineer Dick Scammel (former Lotus-crew) vented the injection. Afterwards the Parnelli runned smoothly, but was disqualified in the 4th lap for assistance outside the pits and was black flagged. Tim Schenken was also taken out of the race, because he started illegally as the second reserve driver.

And for those who want a laugh, here's the google translate:
Meanwhile pushed Andretti's Parnelli the mechanics to the end of the pit wall, where chief engineer Dick Scammel (from the former Lotus crew) the injection bled. The Parnelli then ran like clockwork, but was in the fourth round disqualification for helping out the pits and got the black flag. Also Donate Tim, who had started as a second reserve driver, was illegally taken out of the fight.
In the race results it says that Dolhem was also taken out of the race (26th lap). He was the 1st reserve driver. It's not mentioned why he was taken out. In fact it's not even mentioned that he started. He is mentioned as one of a bunch of riders passing Regazzoni in the 13th and 14th lap, while Regazzoni had problems with oversteer.
And for those who want a laugh, here's the google translate:
Meanwhile pushed Andretti's Parnelli the mechanics to the end of the pit wall, where chief engineer Dick Scammel (from the former Lotus crew) the injection bled. The Parnelli then ran like clockwork, but was in the fourth round disqualification for helping out the pits and got the black flag. Also Donate Tim, who had started as a second reserve driver, was illegally taken out of the fight.

Maybe. :dunno: At least it will be different from a technical point of view. I just hope the cars look and sound different enough to be really interesting. :unsure:
From what i've heard the new engines produce more hp due to the KERS or ERS. What's it called anyway next year?

The minimum weight rises from 640kg->660kg, the engines are coming from 95kg->145kg, fuel is coming from 150kg of fuel>100kg of fuel. So the cars next year weight 20kg more at the start of the race, but with the extra hp the can drive faster times in the beginning of the race but they probably be slower towards the end of the race than this year.
What is the most pole positions (and by whom) that a driver has scored in a single season without going on to win? If Hamilton doesn't win tomorrow he's on 4.
Here's a question, in hot conditions like today that are at the boundary of what the cars can cope with I wonder how much of a difference the car colour makes. Lighter colours, like the Mercedes, should reflect more heat than darker colours, like the Red Bull. I imagine it's completely insignificant compared to the heat being generated by the engine and the track surface but you never know. It's like the difference between wearing a black t-shirt or a white t-shirt on a sunny day.
Jean Pierre Jarier took a couple of poles at the beginning of the 1975 season but never managed a win.

Edit - Shadow managed 3 poles that season with Tom Pryce at the British GP.
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Are there any other occasions in which the same two drivers have finished first and second in the same order at the same circuit four or more times?
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