Ask The Apex

I would think that the car harnesses would last longer than the car, only replaced if they were in a serious accident. They are made from similar stuff to the bits they use to strap cars to tow tucks, so they are really tough.
On a different tilt to the red flag situation, at spa in 1997 the race was red flagged on the first lap I'm sure most of us can remember that. so my question is how many laps have to pass before the race is deemed to be viable in other words if a race was red flagged after two laps would it be restarted as a new race from the grid as in spa 1997 or would it be restarted behind the safety car, in other words when does the change happen is it after 2, 3, 4, 5 laps or less than that?
How much of an advantage is it for teams to be able to use a race driver for 1 day of the young drivers tyre test over using junior drivers for all 3 days?
I think it depends on the type of driver downforce. For example, Damon Hill was famed for his ability to 'tune' the car and feel where improvements need to be made. A driver like Kimi, on the other hand, likes to just get in the car and drive the balls off the thing!
I'm becoming less and less convinced by this "A driver can get the best out of any car given to him and still win thing." I believe in this day and age where the car is so on the edge all the best drivers are hamstrung by it, if this wasn't the case why is it that Lewis a driver who could by all accounts jump into any old rat bag of a car and still win, is saying that he hasn't gotten used the car yet? Even though he is driving a bloody good car...
And I was just too serious. Incidentally it seems at times that a few drivers have problems steering, it would be unfair to mention Maldonado.
At today's Young Drivers' Test some cars displayed a GREEN flashing rear light, some RED and some none at all.
Can anyone explain why?
Can't quite remember, what year was it again when then they started weighing car + driver at verifications? (as opposed to weighing the car alone)
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