Ask The Apex

As we await the new car launches are these really going to be that new? The rules are still pretty much the same, why do the teams insist on claiming they have built new cars when they are, most likely, evolutions of the old ones? Couldn't Red Bull designate the car the RB 8 B for example?
Does anyone know the official designations of the current four engines: Mercedes, Renault, Ferrari and Cosworth?

The Renault last year for example was the RS27-2012 V8.
So presumably this year it's the RS27-2013 V8?
Probably. The Coswort has been called the "CA20xx" since 2010 so presumably it's going to be CA2013 this year. Can't find anything about Ferrari or Mercedes though.
The Mercedes for the last few years has been: Mercedes FO 108X (2010), Mercedes FO 108Y (2011), Mercedes FO 108Z (2012)
So I have no idea what it will be this year.

It looks like the Ferrari may simply be Ferrari 056 2.4 V8 again.
I was about to post that :D
According to statsf1 the Ferrari engine has been called "Ferrari Tipo 056" since 2006 but that seems unlikely?
It will most likely be known when the cars get revealed and the info on the websites are updated, but I'm guessing that's a bit too late for what you need it for. Maybe try asking Scarbs or Mercedes via Twitter?
It will be fine Josh, I can always update the FF1 DB whenever it does become available.
It's only a name so won't have any affect on the game or code.

I just hate having one more thing on the "To Do" list which I can't cross off :D
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