Ask The Apex

Next year there are no changes to the regulations regarding exhaust position, so we can expect teams develop their new cars with coanda set up in mind from their very inception. This will mean the entire sidepod and its internals being repositioned to create the ideal downwash and the tail end of the car rearranged to allow for the bulged exhaust fairing and slim coke bottle shape.
OK, some background to my question, I am working at a client site today which involves me driving past the Williams site. As I did so I noticed the van in front of me with Caterham emblazoned across it pulling into Williams and was wondering what the relationship between the two teams was (e.g. the technical relationship between Marusia and McLaren that exists around use of facilities and some expertise)?
For 2014 when the front wings are reduced back to the 2008 size wings, is it just the size or the actual wing itself?

I mean will the wings look like this


Or like this only smaller

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