Ask The Apex

But what constitutes a long wheelbase and a short wheelbase? I've never read the Technical regs in enough detail but I assume there is a min/max length for the distance between the centre lines of the wheels?
But what constitutes a long wheelbase and a short wheelbase? I've never read the Technical regs in enough detail but I assume there is a min/max length for the distance between the centre lines of the wheels?

The regulations only specify the maximum width and height of the car, there is no minimum nor maximum length (though minimum lengths of certain parts - e.g. cockpit opening - are specified).

The differences between cars are comparatively small but potentially significant. I've just unearthed an estimate of 270mm being the difference between the McLaren (longest) and the Mercedes (shortest?), within a total wheelbase of around 3500mm:
If I may take this up again:

Has there ever been a race where all three drivers on the podium were British.

There have been 11, starting first in Monza in 1956 [Moss, Collins, Flockhart] and then three more in 1958. 5 of these podiums were Clark-Surtees-Hill and the last was in 1968 in America [Stewart, Hill, Surtees].

There are three other nations to achieve 1-2-3s. The first is the USA through 11 Indy500s from 1950-60.

The second is Italy with 6. The first was at Monza in 1950 [Farina, Ascari/Serafini, Fagioli] and the last at Zandvoort in 1953 [Ascari, Farina, Bonetto].

The final nation to have a 1-2-3 is France with three of them in the 1980s. The first was at Kyalami in 1980 [Arnoux, Laffite, Pironi], the second on France's perfect day at Paul Ricard in 1982 [Arnoux, Prost, Pironi] and the final one at Imola in 1983 [Tambay, Prost, Arnoux].

I reckon Germany may just get one in the next few years, too!
I don't know if this is relevant or not.

But in 2008, Ferrari had a long wheelbase, and McLaren had a short wheelbase. That season the short wheelbase seemed the way to go as it was better in the wet and cold conditions, and in 2008, there where a lot of conditions like that.

Contrast it to 2010, Mercedes had probably the shortest wheelbase but seemed struggle apart from in Monaco and in the wet.
Speaking for myself, I just read a lot. Books, magazines, anything I can get my hands on really. I've always had a passion for the history of motorsport and I devour as much as I possibly can. Fortunately, quite a lot of it sticks.

Being quite statistically minded I've been involved in various bits and bobs of research and number crunching of old data - one being the database for this very website - and you're almost bound to learn a lot from that sort of work. In fact I find my memory for F1 events long past is much better than it is of things that have happened in the last few years.

Most importantly though, I know where to go to find out the things I don't know!
Thanks, I guess I'm going to have to read a whole lot more then :)

But where do you go to find those things out? I always google etc but never seem to find anything useful. Are there any sites you use?
Where do you guys get all your information from? You guys know the most obscure things... (especially Galahad)
Unlike Galahad my head can't deal with dates and statistics although I love reading them, especially the stuff that gets put together on Clip. Not that I'm bad with numbers but I'm a hands on kind of bloke. I've been using computers since the nearest average bloke got was wardrobe sized ping-pong machine in the pub, so navigating the net has been fairly easy to learn (although I was a bit slow with the intricacies of social networking). Google, I've found works best when I keep my search terms short (sometimes even a single word can be more productive than a sentence!).

For some reason I pick up technical info' almost by osmosis. It just seeps in because I can visualise fettling engines, tweaking suspensions, messing with aero and a multitude of things mechanical. Probably goes back to watching one of my elder bro's build custom motorcycles and racing outfits Caught the bug and decades on still sucking in new information every day!

Oh, and as well as doing all my own maintenance on anything I've ever owned, I've had a life-long hobby of F1, sportscar and motorcycle model kit-building (Airfix to Minicraft, Revell to Tamiya, etc) and I've learnt a surprising amount about how stuff works from that.

Hope there's something useful to you in the above to compliment the experience of others here. No shortage of high quality knowledge and experience on Clip, I'm sure you'll agree.:)
For technical stuff this is the best site with the best forum:

For general motorsport the Autosport forums are reasonably good, and the Nostalgia forum in particular is an absolute goldmine. Although the magazine isn't quite what it once was, my subscription gives me access to, which is just about the most comprehensive stats database around.

The database at is also very user-friendly.
@ Galahad

How many more overtakes have they been at this point of the season compared to last season?
You can compare in the Race Hub pages:

The tables at the bottom contain the totals.

Also if a F1 car hits the rev limiter too much would it affect the engine in anyway?
The limit is lower than the actual maximum the engine can rev to, so not really.
You can compare in the Race Hub pages:

The tables at the bottom contain the totals.

The limit is lower than the actual maximum the engine can rev to, so not really.

Cheers Brogan,

The more i'm getting older the more i want to know about the Engineering part of F1, a year or so ago i wasn't really that bothered about that side of the sport all i wanted was good racing. But right now i want to learn more and you guys on here with the knowlegde you have are the reason i choose to join this forum.
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