Ask The Apex

OK, not being remotely technical - how much input is there from the original engine manufacturers when it comes to engine mapping in readiness for racing? Do the manufacturers just supply the engines and leave it at that or do they suggest best case?
Haven't heard this little nugget mentioned anywhere. On Sunday Lewis made it four GP in a row where a different World Champion won. I believe this might be a record. There have been plenty of occasions where a mix of former and future World Champions have won (at least) 4 races in succession, but I haven't found an occasion where four men who had already won a title won four races on the trot.
Here's a question for you knowledgeable people - what's the record for the least amount of retirements in an F1 season? I'm pretty sure 2011 is looking like beating it, at least if it's calculated as retirements per car per race, because we've seen rock solid reliability this year.
I've gone through the year so far and counted 42 retirements (not classified drivers), or just under 4 retirements per race on average, which gives around a 16.3% chance that any particular driver won't finish a race.
Does anyone know of a resource that gives the compound of tyre a driver set their fastest qualifying lap time on in each of the three sessions, for the current season?
To follow up on my post yesterday I've looked at 2009 and 2010 as well:

2009 - 58 retirements, 17.2% chance that any particular driver will retire.
2010 - 106 retirements, 23.3% chance that any particular driver will retire.

Looking at the percentages both are higher than this year so far, although 2009 is close. I guess there was a jump up in 2010 due to the arrival of the new teams.
I guess there was a jump up in 2010 due to the arrival of the new teams.

Yeah, thats what i was thinking as i read your stats...

Does anyone know of a resource that gives the compound of tyre a driver set their fastest qualifying lap time on in each of the three sessions, for the current season?

There is, but i can't remember where and it doesn't appear in my bookmarks :s
Is the driver on pole allowed to choose, or ask the clerk of the course, to change the side of the grid pole starts from?
sorry to put another question in to play but is there any sign of the 13th team to make the field up to 26 that we were promised? Are the FIA accepting applications this year?
No news, apart from an april Fools artictle.

I think perhaps FIA and any prospective new teams will be focusing on making an application for 2013 with the New engine Rules.
Is the driver on pole allowed to choose, or ask the clerk of the course, to change the side of the grid pole starts from?
I've been scouring the reg's - including FIA's F1 sporting and technical reg's, circuit design and inspection reg's, International Sporting Code and loads of annexes, appendices, etc. and haven't found anything at all to say one way or another.

When I googled variations of your question I got this somewhat bizarre result:

I have a very foggy memory of a pole position being moved but when and where I can't recall. Malaysia and Schumacher keep jumping into my head when I think about your poser!
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