Ask The Apex

On the recent crash and all the get well messsages that the teams are putting on the cars it got me thinking how they do this.

It has not been long and I am sure that all the chassis were in transit to the test track in the last few days.

If these are some sort of stick on banner would than not affect the aero of the cars?

Take care

Well Well. Begs the question if they have to remove them how bad would be the sticky glue remains on the actual paintwork.... Its not just this situation per se but any removal of the stickers I suppose. I would wager a bet that they do not use post-it note style glue.

Take care

I've always thought it to be a lightweight vinyl similar to what is used on any commercial vehicle signage.

A small portable vinyl cutter wouldn't take up much room compared to the vast amounts of equipment the teams take and applying new graphics is not a time consuming job.

I do have some experience in this line of work, maybe I could attach myself to one of the teams....
Or one of the cars?

Take care


Take a look at some car close-ups. I am always surprised at some of the little body work covers or access covers etc. They are not as perfect and flush as one might think.

I'm trying to create statistics about the anthems played on the podium ceremony. Does anyone know when the organizers started to play anthem for the winning constructor? Is it 1958, or later?
Does anyone know the meaning of "Parabolica"? It features at Monza, estoril, Mondello, and at Hockenhiem I have heard Hugenhutchenholtz(long turn before haipin) called a parabolik straight.

Any help is welcome.
As Gethin says it's from the mathematical term parabola which I've always taken to mean a curve which gets tighter before it reaches it's point.

When F1 used to have spare cars they were referred to as "T Cars", anyone know why?
Test Car, I think. Used for running new parts or speculative setups either in testing or in practice at race weekends.
Whats the furthest back on the grid that a driver has started and then gone on to win the race?

I'm wondering if we could see a new record this year with out of position cars like Webber in China?
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