Alexander Rossi

I couldn't find a thread on him so apologies of there is one already.

Alexander Rossi (21) is a racing driver from Auburn, California USA currently competing in GP2 and reserve driver for Caterham F1.

Regular readers of Clip The Apex discussions may have noticed that I rarely get involved in discussions about new or relatively new drivers until they do something stupid. One of the reasons for this is that few of the newcomers have really grabbed my attention in their pre-F1 careers. However, having had a little look at Rossi's statistics, I have a feeling that at the very least he is one of the best young American talents that we have seen for a while. Not only that, he has clocked up a couple of championship wins, third place finishes in a few more in his host of season finishes in the top ten.

In 143 lower formula races, he has clocked up 53 podiums including 36 wins, 31 pole positions and 21 fastest laps.

Granted the most recent championship under his belt was the 2008 Formula BMW Americas but he drove in both GP3 and GP2 in 2010 ending up in 4th and 9th in the respective championships, which is okay I guess. However, out of the twelve open wheeler championships in which he has competed he has finished in the top 10 in ten of them and currently runs 10th in this years' GP2.

Rossi missed the season opener in Malaysia and so far this season has finished 3rd in the feature race and 20th in the sprint in Bahrain, 6th in both races in Spain,. He DNF'd in the Monaco crash-fest and came 19th in the sprint. Maybe after the events of the day before it's quite a good show that he was in the Monaco sprint race at all.

Taking all of the above into account, is Alexander Rossi going to make it in F1? Well having heard him in the Beeb commentary box during the P2 coverage I have to say that I was quite impressed. A bit like Karun Chandhok, he sounds older than his years and I was surprised to find out that he was just 21 since he came across as having been in the sport for more years than he has been alive!

Well, although his career stat's fall short of what I, personally, would like to see in an F1 prospect, I must confess that I think Ross could just be the Yank to break the Yankee duck. I have yet to pay any real attention to how he drives. Methinks that from now on, I'll be keeping more of a watching brief on his progress in GP2 and his forays in Friday F1 practice.
I don't know how much publicity Haas is generating in the US that it will compete in F1 but no doubt one of the questions asked about the team is if they will field a US driver ?

To really discredit Rossi who through no fault of his own was not given his debut last year when it looked like he was going to race
Well it was the same situation when Force India came into F1 and there was expectancy that they would run an Indian driver but VJ was adamant neither were good enough.

but there is a big difference between america & india, you wouldnt expect indian driver to be good enough but considering americans history & all the famous families
well here's Rossi's chance to showcase his ability behind the wheel and get a march on Van Doorn who was tipped as a potential contender for the seat next year as well
5 of the 7 races it says so he will finish GP2. Interesting move. I'd expected them to stick Jordan King in at this stage but Rossi is a much stronger choice.
Was not it said that Manor Marussia attracted the interest of some US investors a few weeks ago :thinking: The timing is ironic but then Rossi has been trying to get in and denied through no fault of his own
Rossi was interviewed with his race suit round his waist and just his fire resistant undies on. The boy looks like he needs a good meal. When did F1 drivers start having to look like anorexics to get a drive?
.... When did F1 drivers start having to look like anorexics to get a drive?

According to Wikipedia the was minimum weight set at 450 kg set in 1961 but I don't think drivers were anorexic. It must have been post Mansell, I suspect that it is a recent phenomenon which came with drivers having to get fit to be able to take the gs.

At one time strength was more important that weight
I'm expecting a mass of media coverage of Rossi over the weekend of the US Grand Prix which should be handy for both him and Manor. I'm hoping both are using it as levarage for a little bit of extra cash.
Looks like Rossi's F1 dream was short lived as he's heading back to the States. It'll be announced this afternoon he has signed for Andretti to race in the 2016 Indy Car series.
Guaranteed seat versus a wait, watch and hope. Seems like the right move to me. There will always be another chance with Manor next year. I can't see that line up being a multi season one.
Rossi is gonna to be like Vintonio Liuzzi - just never going to get a break in his f1 career.

I should say Haas might want Rossi if the sponsors demand it or they are looking for sponsors

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