2024 silly season

is it enivitable Riccardio leaves F1 for the final time this season. unless he does something remarkable

without going all Jaques Villeneuve, i dont see the point of Riccardio next yr now Tsunoda has signed. he's 34 the main team dream ship now has sailed with the perez signing. no other team i can see him giving a chance

now if tsunoda had been poached. i would understand Riccardio staying as a mentor & a benchmark. but9 the sister team is supposed to give youth a chance, if theyve strayed from that with Hartley, De Vries, Kyvat Return. to give hadjar or lawson a chance
The only get out card for Ricciardo is if he is reserve driver to keep the pressure on Perez so Lawson gets RB whilst Hadjar will get his chance in 2026
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