Grand Prix 2011 Japanese Grand Prix Practice, Qualifying & Race Discussion

The championship is still alive!!!!!!!!!!! Okay that may be a bit over optomistic

Despite another crushing win by Vettel in Singapore, Buttons valiant second place ensures that the championship mathematically remains possible for the experienced Britain, but for him to take his second world title he requires Vettel to not finish in all the remain races and Button to win every race and to be honest there is as much chance of me winning the lottery.

Indeed, Button has had a strong 2011 and this would be more highlighted if it wasnt for the sheer dominance of Vettel who has taken a podium in every race apart from Germany. He has outperformed his beleagured team mate Hamilton who is under severe pressure from the media after another incident, this time with Massa who didn't take kindly to it and made his feelings clear after the race.

But at Ferrari they seem to be going through the motions after a great win at Silverstone, Alonso has strong drives without challenging and Massa is regularly in the middle of the points without ever challenging the podium, surely he'll be on the way out soon as he's not performing at a level that Ferrari require him to be if they want to be serious Constructors Champions in the future.

Big news at Mercedes as Aldo Costa and Geoff Willis have joined the team, with the team struggling (in comparison) since their return to the sport in 2010, these two signings might just get them back at the front in the near future and might convince Schumacher to extend his contract, Singapore aside, Schumacher's performances have been a lot better this season and at the very least he has matched Rosberg and perhaps there is still life in the old dog yet and the podium might not be too far away.

Japan has become famous for title deciders with Prost/Senna being the most memorable with the crashes at the final chicane and turn 1 being some of the most controversial in the sport (particularly the latter after a dispute over the start position). The track is regarded as one of the best driver tracks on the calendar, second only to Spa and returned to the calendar in 2009 after Fuji pulled out of F1 due to financial problems after holding the grand prix in 2007 and 2008 where Hamilton and Alonso won respectively.

No doubt the championship will be won in Suzuka but you never know, stranger things have happened in F1, surely the reliability of the Red Bull can't hold out forever, can we hope?

For Galahads superb circuit write up see here
so yet another mysterious puncture for lewis followed by a very slow not suprised anymore,i expected these things to happen.his team will do whatever they can to make sure lewis doesnt catch up with jenson on points.
Is it a rule that under SC conditions they have to wait for the field to completely bunch up, effectively committing us to ?3/4 laps while this happens every time its deployed, however trivial the cause (as today)?

Didn't have much effect today, other than taking away any 3 vs 4 stop decisions, but doesn't seem logical
Just to "antagonise" everyone :rolleyes:

Great job by the top 3 :). Well deserved championship for Vettel, now let's see him go all out in the remaining races!
Also it was great to see Perez take the fastest lap at one point. It doesn't really mean anything but it still made me happy...

I'm actually kind of surprised at the lack of incidents though, I figured we might see one or two cars crash out.
Yeah I guess Jenson proved everyone claiming he can only win in changeable conditions wrong! It was a great drive from him.
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