Brogan Legend Staff Member 8 June 2010 #1 As the winner of Caption Competition XX, I have the dubious honour of hosting the next one. So here it is, a topical if boring picture. Entries accepted until everyone gets bored and then I'll stick a poll up. Do your worst. Attachments vettel_webber.webp 22 KB · Views: 213
As the winner of Caption Competition XX, I have the dubious honour of hosting the next one. So here it is, a topical if boring picture. Entries accepted until everyone gets bored and then I'll stick a poll up. Do your worst.
cider_and_toast Exulted Lord High Moderator of the Apex Staff Member Valued Member 8 June 2010 #2 "Strewth mate the proofs right there, Look you hit me car so hard it left an imprint of the side pod on your overalls"
"Strewth mate the proofs right there, Look you hit me car so hard it left an imprint of the side pod on your overalls"
Sakari Race Winner 8 June 2010 #3 Seb: what can I say.. we're the team invincible Mark: yea.. even though you try your best to destroy us
Seb: what can I say.. we're the team invincible Mark: yea.. even though you try your best to destroy us
GeoffP Wake me when we’re there Contributor 8 June 2010 #4 OK, you copy everything I do, even use the same bit of track - the jokes over, just grow up!
Brogan Legend Staff Member 8 June 2010 #5 Mark (through gritted teeth): "Do anything like that again and this is how wide I'll tear you a new one. Understand? Seb: "Ich spreche nicht Australian"
Mark (through gritted teeth): "Do anything like that again and this is how wide I'll tear you a new one. Understand? Seb: "Ich spreche nicht Australian"
teabagyokel #dejavu Valued Member 8 June 2010 #6 Confusion at the Team Red Bull 100m race as Seb and Mark end up in the same lane.
FB Not my cup of cake Valued Member 8 June 2010 #7 "You need hands to hold a little baby, you need hands to wipe away a tear..." or Hands out boys and headmaster Horner will be along short to smack your palms with a ruler shortly.
"You need hands to hold a little baby, you need hands to wipe away a tear..." or Hands out boys and headmaster Horner will be along short to smack your palms with a ruler shortly.
Boyle Race Winner Contributor 8 June 2010 #8 Right Seb, it's step, turn left, step, pivot, plié, step, star jump, pivot and finish with the jazz hands. Got it? OK, don't step on my toes again!
Right Seb, it's step, turn left, step, pivot, plié, step, star jump, pivot and finish with the jazz hands. Got it? OK, don't step on my toes again!
B Bullfrog Rookie 8 June 2010 #9 I can't claim it as my own but: 'Mateschitz Happens' And seeing as I don't know who's it was I'm prepared to accept any credit.
I can't claim it as my own but: 'Mateschitz Happens' And seeing as I don't know who's it was I'm prepared to accept any credit.
MajorDanby Motorsports' answer to Eric the Eel Contributor 9 July 2010 #11 'Mateschitz Happens' made me giggle, Had to go for Jazz Hands in the end though
Brogan Legend Staff Member 13 July 2010 #14 You have just over a day and a half to vote for one of the winning 2 captions.