Where the heart isn't.....

Which drivers won't you be following this season for whatever reason?

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Exulted Lord High Moderator of the Apex
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Ok, here's the yang to the "where the heart is...." thread ying.

There are some drivers in the other thread who have low poll scores. Now that doesn't mean they are unpopular it could mean that given the number of options that were available they weren't at the top of peoples lists but at the same time they weren't at the bottom either.

To truly gauge a drivers support I think we need to look at both sides of the coin. So given the same number of options, a maximum of four votes, who are the drivers that you won't be backing this season for whatever reason?

Please be honest but not insulting. Each to their own and all of that. When we then combine the results of the two polls we should get some interesting data.
From top to bottom I've gone for Kimi, the only Finn I've never really liked. So much talent and yet seemingly so little interest in doing anything with it. Next up I've gone for Alonso, again so much talent and yet you can't help but not like him. Of course, much like that Paris Hilton sex tape, you've seen this one coming, I'm not a fan of Lewis. By crikey he's quick but again, I just don't like the bloke (he speaks very highly of me from what I hear). Lastly and, while it's a bit odd as I've not seen him drive, I've gone for Max Verstappen. I may be jumping the gun here but 17 in my opinion is too young. We've seen novice drivers come into the sport before but this is taking the mick. (I do hope to be proved wrong but I've not got the best of feelings about it). If it would have been an option by the way, I would have gone for Susie Wolff instead of Max but there you go.
I've gone for Alonso and Hamilton who spend far too much time playing to the press and whining.

Maldonado because he has no business in an F1 car, IMO

Verstappen, as to me, he is just another rookie albeit one brought up too quickly in order to make a publicity splash.
I couldn't pick Maldonando in the end just because he won a race for Williams. I just wouldn't be right but talk about conflicting emotions.
Only one guy on the grid I don't like: Hamilton. Never did like him, never will. Just rubs me the wrong way. Everyone else that I don't love, I neither like nor dislike.
I understand why some people don't like Hamilton, but he definitely owns up when he's made a mistake (at least as often as other drivers, and probably more often):
"I should have done the lap," Hamilton said. "But it's a long race and I'll try to salvage what I can from it."
"At the end of the day, I made a mistake. No one's fault but mine."
“After watching the replay, I realise it was my fault today 100%,”

As for me, the drivers I won't be following are the ones that will rarely be doing anything noteworthy, so I went for Ericcsson, Nasr, Sainz Jr and Perez although it's fairly arbitrary and depends on how the season pans out. You can't help but "follow" Maldonado because he's crashing all the time.
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I thought about voting here (I really did!), but in the end I found I couldn't - not even for the Venezuelan crash-test dummy. I confess to being rather intrigued to see if Vettel can pull the foundering Ferrari ship off the rocks, and unless the rookies do something either spectacularly stupid or brilliant, we generally don't get to see very much of them anyway.

I think that F1 needs a few bete noirs anyway - there's value in having some antagonism to spice up "the show". What gets tedious is when a particular "not-favourite" scampers away at the front with no challenge, and for all Mercedes' superiority last year, at least we didn't get the dreary predictability of the latter Red Bull campaigns - anything but that, please!
I struggled with this one. I thought about voting for Ericsson and Maldonado because they have probably shown already that someone else should have their seats. I thought about voting for Nasr because Palmer should have a seat before he does. I thought about voting for Versteppen for same reasons but Ocon instead. However at the end of the day I think if any of these guys suddenly started performing well I'd be excited to see it and its not their fault that F1 has a crappy system when it comes to driver policy. All they are trying to do is compete at the top level.

I also thought about Alonso but thats only for his Media war games and nothing to do with his driving at all. I'm always cheering away when he's dragging a bucket of bolts round to great results like everyone else. In fact Fernando Alonso's win in Korea in 2011 paid for the engagement ring I bought my other half.

So I've concluded that as Ron Dennis's name is not on that list I'm going to have to vote 'none of the above'. How amazingly vanilla and liberal of me.
Since I went for four on the other thread, I've decided to go for four here. Firstly, Pastor Maldonado for being a danger to everyone else in the field. Secondly, Felipe Massa, because I am pretty damn fed up with his Webber whining and complaining - the ludicrous tyre choice for Interlagos was due to his pressure, and his moaning about the track being too wet to race while he was on inters at Suzuka was distasteful given the circumstances.

The other two I have picked are Kvyat and Sainz, because I think the Red Bull Young Driver Programme is at risk of giving mediocrity a chance. Kvyat, in particular, has done far less to deserve such a prestigious seat than half of the current grid.
Can I defend Sainz on this one? Sainz romped to the WSR 3.5 championship last year which is a direct feeder series and has done nearly 2 years as a development driver as well as a season in GP3. If you are picking for the reasons stated then surely Verstappen is first in line for the dislike vote as he only came 3rd in the Euro F3 Series last year and done like a quarter of a season on the pitwall.

I can see your point on Kvyat but then I could have levelled the same argument at Ricciardo the year before.
Hmm - all right, teabagyokel has swayed me to cast my votes...seems churlish to vote on the "...is" thread and not on the "...isn't", doesn't it?

Maldonado - I don't need to explain why, do I?
Hamilton - I respect his driving, but find the man incredibly irritating.
Ericsson - how has he got a drive, when Sam Bird hasn't? Oh yeah - he paid for it...doesn't make him any good though.
Verstappen - he has yet to grow into his absurdly large mouth. I'm pretty sure he has clown feet too...
I have no idea about the 'rookies', so have gone with:


Massa is past it, if he was ever a contender?
Maldonado is a nightmare who lucked out once and then believed his own PR.
Perez and Hulkenberg are endless disappointments who haven't lived up to their hype!
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