Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
My views on an few of the comments about lewis. .
Religion- Like F1ang-o. I cant see Lewis, a catholic, joining a cult. But who knows?
Girlfriend- Recent rumours have them splitting up again-So what?
Taking a year out- That would be foolish-Why would he do that?

lewis is a genuine guy with complete confidence in his driving talent. He hasnt bothered getting involved in politics because he has always felt his driving will see him through. Unfortunately this year it isnt the case.Less scrupulous people take advantage of him and he is not equipped to deal with it. Worse, he doesnt have a group of loyal people around him fighting these battles for him. It was a huge mistake to get rid of his father as his manager, there was someone who would always put him first. But he took a lot of ridicule for having his father as a manager, despite other fathers regularly appearing in garages.Lewis is concerned about how he is perceived and upset by negative publicity. Again the need for support in this area is not there and is sadly lacking from his team. Lewis just wants to drive racing cars, he dosnt want to play these political games, and yet he finds himself immeresed in them.I find it quite sad at how such exceptional talent has been knocked from so many quarters. If Lewis decides he's had enough and walks away, who can blame him and it will be the fans that are the losers.
Well thats my view:disappointed:
I would file this story of Lewis being involved in Scientology, and place it in the same garbage can alongside the reports of Hamilton spending $400,000 on a personalized car number plate, or the purchase of a superyacht.
Just read in the Daily Mail that they are splitsville, a shame as she always seemed to be a nice girl. Writing seemed to be on the wall after Whitmarsh's less than subtle comments. Well, they've broken up before, you never know ...
Dont think he's that interested in a long term relationship at the moment, hence the split. This isnt why he's sad.

Hmm.... Personally, I'd quote Occam's razor here..... i.e., if there's something that has occurred that is likely to make someone sad, and then they're sad, it's most likely to be that which has made him sad!
Poor Lewis, It must be a hard time for him currently, but I'm sure Rihanna is single isn't she?

It would certainly go a little way to explaining what he meant when he said he'd be better after the break over winter (can't remember the exact quote). Although personally I think Rihanna would eat young Lewis alive, although that's not to say being eaten alive by Rihanna is anything to complain about ;)
Hmm.... Personally, I'd quote Occam's razor here..... i.e., if there's something that has occurred that is likely to make someone sad, and then they're sad, it's most likely to be that which has made him sad!
But lots of things have occured which could make Lewis sad. It depends which one is ultimately responsible. I personally dont think its the girlfriend.
Lets face it no one knows what he's sad about or even that he is sad

maybe he was so upset after quali in Korea because he had forgot to Sky Plus The Big Bang Theory! Who knows! All I know is that he pulled of a good performace in Korea and I hope he continues doing so until the end of the season.
A very heartwarming endorsement of his son from Anthony Hamilton.
Yey! Nice one Anthony! I specially like these bits

"There's only so much [negative criticism] that one person can take," added Hamilton's father.
"Lewis is an extremely talented individual and I tell you what, most of us would not have been able to come back from what he has had to face this year.
"I think in Korea, he showed just how much of a champion he is, not just as a racing driver but as an individual.
"Let's face it, he's had a tough year, he's faced a lot of criticism and yet still he comes back fighting and can produce results that he did last week.
"He's an incredible man and an inspiration to so many people."
As far as I remember Nicole is a a Catholic and so is Lewis and they both were attending services etc so that Scientology rubbish deserves to be canned .. is this something the Sun or National Enquirer made up then ? He does not hang around with Tom Cruise or John Travolta to believe in that rubbish

Shame for both..despite the age difference I'd rather have Nicole to be Lewis' gf than Naomi Campbell or Rihanna.. I am sure he won;t be short of interested ladies

He needs time to get over this like he said ..its normal..

We all want to see Lewis the racing driver ...interestingly everyone has been supportive of Lewis - Whitmarsh, Lowe, Neale, Button and his dad...the only person or group who haven't is his actual management team unless someone can provide me a link....

I think that should say something loud and clear to Lewis and everyone about Simon Fuller - get rid of him

"Lewis is an extremely talented individual and I tell you what, most of us would not have been able to come back from what he has had to face this year. "I think in Korea, he showed just how much of a champion he is, not just as a racing driver but as an individual. "Let's face it, he's had a tough year, he's faced a lot of criticism and yet still he comes back fighting and can produce results that he did last week. "He's an incredible man and an inspiration to so many people
Read some of the previous comments - a couple of things:

Firstly I can sort of understand why Lewis wanted to cut ties with his father professionally so that he could just have a normal father-son relationship. I feel his mistake was the replacement. What he needed was somebody who knew F1 and who would be at each race and fight his corner like his father would have done.

Secondly when a bloke hits rock bottom you can bet your bottom dollar it's either the bottle or a women at the root of it and as far a I know Lewis aint got a drink problem... And reading between the lines of his interview this week Anthony Hamiltons seems to be suggesting that Lewis will be back on form next year when he has gotten his pussycat doll out of his system and can once again just focus on his racing - and judging by some of AH's stoney looks when stood next to Nicole (screaming "go baby" "go baby") in the garage during 2008/2009 he may just have a wry smile.
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