Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
I'm afraid I disagree Ray. If Lewis really thinks he has found his Soul Mate and there is trouble in the relationship (and this only speculation at this stage) then it is bound to have an effect on his mental state. It's simply not possible to totally to divorce the public and the private and any drivers personal relationship, good or bad, is bound to have an effect on the track. It's the same for any sportsman.

As to James Hunt, Lewis is not James Hunt and I think that is a pretty silly comparison.
I appear to have descended upon a teenage girls magazine. Love advice? Really? And Ray I'm not sure Lewis will really want to talk to you, you're a Vettel fan!

Good point FB. I'm not entirely sure he could have got any more out could he? Interesting he and Jenson gave very similar feedback. Lewis always seems to think there is more to give when his pace is slower as by the numerous comments that Jenson shows the car has pace. Good attitude. Even for a grumpy git.
Indeed. Did this problem only affect the McLarens or have other teams had similar problems. I'll try and do my website round up tonight, maybe that will shed more light on the issue.
My dear Lewis, you're a good looking and successful young man and there's plenty of fish in the sea. Do what James Hunt and Kimi Raikkonen did. Have fun and don't get tied down to some lady at this young age. Concentrate on Formula One and marry someone after you've got 3 or 4 World Championships under your belt.

I'm there for you, my boy! Call anytime! ;)

Have we got a rule against propositioning Lewis Hamilton? LOL

I appear to have descended upon a teenage girls magazine. Love advice? Really? And Ray I'm not sure Lewis will really want to talk to you, you're a Vettel fan!

Lewis Hamilton's private life. Clue's in the title.
My dear friends here on CTA,

Sir Jackie Stewart is the guest on Motor Sport Magazine website's latest Podcast. He discusses things like Lewis Hamilton, racing safety and tragedy and managing relationships/Grand Prix meetings/corporate business dealings/broadcasting for ABC TV in america/other formula racing.

I suggest we all go and listen to what Jackie says.

If Jackie was able to deal with one death after another, his personal relationships, his safety crusade, his work for ABC tv, his obligations for Ford, Elf, Goodyear and the like, his other racing activities ... and...and winning Grand Prix races and the World Championship for the 3rd time in 1973, i'm sure Lewis can drive fast and take care of the 'girlfriend situation'.

Yes, i'm a Kimi fan and a Vettel fan...but i'm also a Lewis fan.

My top 2 drivers are Vettel and Hamilton. I'm not English and not German so I think I can be a fan of both equally.
But, and it's a big but, there is a difference in the relationship between two racing drivers, a racing driver and a sponsor, a former driver and a broadcaster and a man and a woman. Also, back in Stewart's day drivers expected a number of driver deaths during a season, the reaction to a driver death now would be significantly different to how it was in the 1970's.

Anyway, this is all speculation and I hope there aren't any problems between Lewis and Nicole as watching her bounce up and down in the pits was often one of the highlights of a race weekend. Certainly preferable to Anthony Hamilton's "laser stare" or John Button flouncing about in his pink shirt.
i'm sure Lewis can drive fast and take care of the 'girlfriend situation'.

What girlfriend situation? Someone has made a speculation that is completely unfounded and now it's fact?

So, great drive by Lewis on Sunday and fancy taking pole away from the Red Bulls for the first time this year! (We are allowed to talk about his driving on here right?)
Jackie Stewart was an amzing driver

Jackie Stewart ran an amazing F1 team

Jackie Stewart said (and I quote) "Jenson Button moving to Mclaren is a huge mistake and is like walking into the Lion's Den"

So lets not pin him up as the fountain of all knowledge eh? He's media just like the rest and just like the rest he's sepculating. Unless him and Lewis have some hardcore friendship I'm unaware of?
But, and it's a big but, there is a difference in the relationship between two racing drivers, a racing driver and a sponsor, a former driver and a broadcaster and a man and a woman. Also, back in Stewart's day drivers expected a number of driver deaths during a season, the reaction to a driver death now would be significantly different to how it was in the 1970's.

Not to go off-topic or anything but one of his closest friends died, that must have affected him a bit, the way it affected Prost and several other drivers.
Jackie Stewart said (and I quote) "Jenson Button moving to Mclaren is a huge mistake and is like walking into the Lion's Den"

So lets not pin him up as the fountain of all knowledge eh?

To be honest, he wasn't the only one who thought that. Almost everyone thought that Jenson was going into "the lion's den".

It shouldn't take away from the fact that Sir Jackie - whilst he was challenging for the 1973 World Championship - was also working to improve safety with the GPDA, commentating on Indy and other races for ABC TV, taking part in other types of racing, managing his relationships on the personal side and also was making appearences for Elf, Ford and Goodyear...AND he won the title.

That was his 3rd title.

If he was able do all that, then Lewis can certainly concentrate on driving the McLaren when he's at a Grand Prix meeting.

This post is merely a response to speculation and the like about Lewis for some 'personal reasons' not being able to drive at his level.

That's not my speculation.

My rebuttle is that if Jackie was able to juggle all that stuff in 1973, then Lewis should be able to drive a McLaren-Mercedes without worrying about anything else.

Not that he is or isn't...but "some" of his fans seem to think that he has 'personal issues' that affected his driving this season.
Don't mean to rattle the sabre here. Just providing some perspective.

Peace. :)
My rebuttle is that if Jackie was able to juggle all that stuff in 1973, then Lewis should be able to drive a McLaren-Mercedes without worrying about anything else.

Why? That's ridiculous to pigeon hole all drivers has having the same mindset and coping strategies. Everyone is different. They are from different era's, had different upbringings, family, religion, private lives, different genes, different pressures...

If so and so can do it, so should you... Rubbish.
Why? That's ridiculous ... They are from different ... upbringings, family, religion, private lives, different genes...



I certainly don't want to argue with anyone here. :friends:

Main point was that if Lewis has been affected by these outside personal issues (and I mean *if*), then he needs to put it out of his mind during race meetings - that's if he wants to beat his teammate and win championships.

I think that's the main point by the likes of Sir Jackie and his colleagues, etc.

It's about what they'd refer to as "mind management". They're suggesting that Lewis needs to have better "mind management" if he wants to beat his teammate and win multiple championships and the like.

Again, don't wish to argue. :cheers:

Go to Motor Sport Magazine's website and listen to the Podcast. :)
No problems Ray, but easier said than done. At the end of the day we don't know what it is, if anything and I for one think the speculation and advice being dished out (not by you, with the greatest respect I'm not sure Lewis has bookmarked you ;)) very unhelpful.

He's a misery guts at the moment, he may have good reason, he may just be being a sullen sulky git. I would rather the criticism is objective and based around what he does on the track (and occasionally says off of it) than these sensationalist stories that are being made up just because we love a good gossip. We must remember that there is someone on the receiving end of this.

More of Saturday and Sunday driving please Lewis, smile or no smile :thumbsup:
I think the point Il Leone is trying to make is that Hamilton needs support from someone outside the team. McLaren, since way back, has set it's drivers against one another, it's part of the culture of the team. Hamilton was the defacto and actual No.1 for many years and now he has a serious challenge to that position in Jenson Button. I don't think McLaren has someone who can "put an arm round Lewis' shoulder" when things don't go right and perhaps Nicole could provide that.
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