Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
But he also sits lower in the car than Jenson which probably also gives him less of a view...

This is an odd statement given DC pointed to the fact that he spoke to Lewis before the Singapore Gp and Lewis said he can see alright which mystified DC who said that its very difficult to see because drivers sit so low and was wondering if this is the reason why he's ending up in more tangles

So it appears Lewis does agree then after his latest clash with Massa :thinking:
No, what Coulthard asked is "Do you think that that will get a penalty" - not "I think Lewis should be punished".

If there's an incident, commentators are bound to ask if there's going to be a penalty... Otherwise, you'd be complaining of biased stewarding every time there was a punishment meted out, as "the commentators never thought it warranted a penalty"

The Artist.....
After comments about history getween LH & FM
Coulthard said "I hate to say it Martin.....but somebody is going to ask.....Is that a possible penalty for crowding another car to the edge of the track?"
M Brundle replied "Well let's see, it didn't enter my head....on that...if I'm honest."
These comments..... after D Coulthard had already said several times earlier, that Lewis was backing the pack up to help his team......when LH had a puncture.
So many times they have blamed LH & then had to change their tune after the race.
Maybe like Moto GP they should just say........I think that might get looked at....... (by the powers that be) Not dive in with comments about LH doing......whatever is perceived from the commentary box.

DC did actually apologise to Martin Whitmarsh at the end of the race when it was confirmed he had a puncture if you actually listened to the post race interview
My theory is that MW got the job because of Ron making enemies and the whole Alonso inspired spying debacle. He is not a Ron type leader, Ron might find another leader with a vision closer to his

Since the inception of the spying had nothing to do with Alonso, it was Alex Nigel Stepney's idea, the rest of your theory falls flat on it's face.

Edit to get name right. Doh.
i should add DC after Singapore in his article in the Telegraph/ Independent said Lewis needs someone with him at the races a manager . So he agreed with Lewis' dad's view....Why because its times like this that Lewis needs someone with arm around his shoulder. Simon Fuller should be at every race but he sees nothing else but $$$ in being associated with Lewis

If people want to compare it against Vettel who has no manager but he is winning and its easy when you're at the top. Should Seb ever get into trouble there is always Helmut lurking around the corner.

Now with Lewis I don;t know if Nicole is really busy but she should make more time for him not one of his R n B hip hop mates
A grimace on Lewis as he went to congratulate Vettel last night but Seb was too busy celebrating and he had to shake Horner's time it could be when they team up in the future.

Trouble is some people believe Vettel has surpassed Hamilton and has matured after those spate of amateurish incidents last year and applied consistency and efficiency together this season. Something sadly Lewis has failed to do and only really Jenson Button except for the mid season hiccup

I think it was the Times or the Telegraph or the Independent that alluded that Lewis going to Horner in Canada to discuss a possible move despite rubbishing them as a drinks company earlier in the season. Now he's desperate to move there to get back to winning ways . The sad truth could be that Red Bull DOES NOT need Hamilton since they already have Vettel

I remember some newspapers rubbished Jenson for not being good enough for Ferrari or Mclaren because of Kimi and Alonso but also Hamilton emerging things change so quickly in F1
Personally I think the need for someone from the Beeb to pose this query says it all:

"There is something in Hamilton's life, some distraction that is adversely affecting his performance. Only he can know what that is."

In Hamilton's shoes I could never have made it in F1 because by now I'd have been locked up for GBH for pasting the bloomin' reporters. I'm amazed that my own TV has survived considering the number of times I've wanted to throw something at the Beeb team for over and over rehashing every incident no matter how small when it comes to Hamilton. Straight after every race they zoom in on him and it's the same dumb questions. How do they think he feels when he's made a mistake? Why don't they press any of the other blokes to the same extent - and don't tell me it's just because he is a British driver and the Beeb is British - that shouldn't matter.

The point is he gets it every race weekend from the Beebies and he will be aware of the crap that goes on over the internet (through the grapevine if not directly). That stuff is insidious and it's enough to creep into and sit festering in the subconscious taking the edge off his concentration and his performance - regardless of anything else going on with the car and its tyres.

Any psychologist will tell you that if you keep telling someone something to destabilise them often enough it will in fact do so. The more I see, hear and read the more convinced I am that this is what is going on. The only cure is a long holiday away from it all to regroup, reflect and come back with a ruthless determination to crush all opposition - on the track and in the halls of the media.

What's the phrase "Don't get angry, get even" ? Yes, I think that's the one, but ruthlessly.
I believe that Lewis exists in two places - his own head and the track - he has always been supreme on the track (until recently) and he has always had belief in his own ability but his head is now telling him he can't cut the mustard. For whatever reason, he has lost confidence - and that could be a result of a huge quantity of things from having an equal team-mate, to changing his manager, to having a season of bad-luck (and several have been overtaken by that over the decades), to getting to grips with the tyres, adapting to changing circumstance and misjudgement - who the Hell knows.
and relax - Coulthard made some comments during the race (as he's paid to do), later on he apologised to the Mclaren team principal (who had probably never even heard them anyway). Shall we leave it at that, or should I say we will leave it at that because any more of this nonsense will be deleted.

There is NO conspiracy against Lewis Hamilton apart from in the minds of some of his fans so please leave it there.

Thank you.

Who's Alex Stepney? Nigel's naughty cousin?

Manchester United goalkeeper from years back! :thumbsup:

Back on topic, I think this should serve as perspective...


We would all do well to remember he'll never be a failure.
and relax - Coulthard made some comments during the race (as he's paid to do), later on he apologised to the Mclaren team principal (who had probably never even heard them anyway). Shall we leave it at that, or should I say we will leave it at that because any more of this nonsense will be deleted.

There is NO conspiracy against Lewis Hamilton apart from in the minds of some of his fans so please leave it there.

Thank you.



Do people think the BBC really want to talk about Lewis involved incidents or Lewis the race winner and British world champion then ?

If DC was man enough to admit his mistake why can't some people accept it and have to act petty? He's more of a man than some of you or some drivers on the circuit

The BBC have bashed Schumacher enough times in the early season as well as Algarsuari and Liuzzi in the last two years but it seems like when Lewis is mentioned the word conspiracy is flashed across their heads
I keep insisting that Lewis' problems begin and end with two words:

Vettel, Button.

Since he began 'matching' and 'beating' Alonso in 2007, he's believed he is the best. He, arguably, had every right to believe it. He was a rookie who had taken care of the reigning double World Champion.

But you can't be the best if you can't beat your teammate over a season. Every other issue is ancillary and even moot.

Vettel's speed and consistency forced Hamilton to take risks that didn't pay in the first half of the year...and then falling behind Button so dramatically in the WDC in the third quarter of the year has been the 1-2 punch he didn't need.

As soon as he starts to beat Button again, he'll get his mojo back. The fear is that Button's a match over a race distance on the regs we have now and it's vital that Hamilton adapts/re-adapts to these tyres, etc.
The year swerving Irvine beat MS due to Ms having a broken leg, I don't think anyone would say MS regressed that year

It's simplistic to say Lewis is having a slump in results because of other drivers or because of the regulations or tyres, someone even suggested that it's because there at too many buttons to press due to kers and drs

He did ok at the start of the season, he won races and was not regressing, since then what things could have caused the slump?

Pushing hard to overcome the cars deficiency leads to unfair penalisation which ultimately ends up with Lewis limping around Monza just to finish the race. Non of the other drivers has had to give up driving aggressively to avoid unfair penalties

Every single race since has seen a clear reason to explain his slump in results

It's like something has being broken leading o him driving e tar carefully just to complete races. Some of us can see the culminative causes leading to the slump, some don't want to and delight in ignoring cause and dwell on the result
And then some shout conspiracy theory if any attempt to discuss the causes are made

If he was driving with a broken leg there would still be those saying he has just got worse naturally
Martin Whitmarsh explained, McLaren made changes to Hamilton's car at his first pit stop to compensate for a lack of grip at the rear of his car.
"We brought him in early because of his puncture and at that stop we took some front wing angle out," Whitmarsh said. "In hindsight that was a mistake.
"It was to compensate for oversteer, but that oversteer had probably been created only through the pressure differential [in the deflating tyre] and so we over-compensated and Lewis was struggling to find the balance he'd enjoyed during the previous two days."
But a small wing change for the second stint does not account for his basic shortfall in pace in the third and fourth stints.
Why on earth not? It sounds to me like a very sensible explanation; before the slow puncture and subsequent front wing adjustment at the first stop, Lewis was faster (both in the race and before that in Q2) than Button and Vettel, yet afterwards he couldn't match their pace. It's not rocket science, as they say.
Why on earth not? It sounds to me like a very sensible explanation; before the slow puncture and subsequent front wing adjustment at the first stop, Lewis was faster (both in the race and before that in Q2) than Button and Vettel, yet afterwards he couldn't match their pace. It's not rocket science, as they say.

It's fashionable to assume that Lewis has suddenly got slower than Button over a race or that it's this years tyres and regs that he suddenly can't adapt to
It's fashionable to assume that Lewis has suddenly got slower than Button over a race or that it's this years tyres and regs that he suddenly can't adapt to
The evidence is there if you're willing to see it.
Over a single lap Hamilton is quicker than Button, over a race that doesn't seem to be the case.

Instead of throwing around blanket accusations about it being "fashionable", accept that others hold different opinions to you.
It's a reasonable suggestion that his slump is attributable to any amount of factors, including tyres regs etc

All I am saying is that there is definitely a cumulative chain of causes leading to this effect, and all sorts of factors are reasonable to consider including his regard and worth to the team principal.

Some suggestions are seen as ridiculous or 'sabotage attempt' claims and some are more fashionable, I think for me, it's the having to drive cautiously to avoid excessive penalisation that has being tipped the balance

As long as some agree that it's not just that Lewis has had a slump in performance due only to his own fault and that it's not conspiracy theory to suggest otherwise
MW has floundered at times, his only chance of convincing the big shareholders that his touchy, less efficient happy camper approach works is for his driver Jenson to beat the child prodigy of his old master Ron

Really? :rolleyes:

That's a bit like a manager of a football team sending one striker out with his boot laces tied together because he didn't sign that player and dosn't want him to out score the striker he did sign.

I think (in both the LH and JB threads) all this silly talk of drivers being nobbled by their own teams should be dropped for ever as it's total and unprovable hogwash. It makes no sense at all.
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