Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
I wanted to reply to something I'd seen written regarding Lewis's . "Now Ive been overtaken by a Williams" comment. But I can't remember where it was written, maybe in one of the locked threads. Anyway, the Lewis thread should suffice. I must admit when I first heard that comment, it was funny, but at the same time did seem to suggest that the Williams had no right to be overtaking him.
In fact that quote was only half a quote. Lewis had been in constant contact with his team to check what lap times he should be doing...

"What times should I be doing now?" This to ascertain he was driving at the required speed to Finnish in the best possible position.
He later said

" Now I've been overtaken by a Williams. What position is possible now"

Gives a completely different meaning to it when read in its entirety.
That was it, just thought I'd mention it.
Thats what I meant. Nothing else. He was not a happy bunny and was not swallowing the line about a top 6 finish. Can't say I blame him.

Everyone seems so touchy at the moment.
JC was RB's engineer at Brawn...."P1 beauty" etc........ pole at Brazil...when he was still in with a chance of the WDC...?
.. and engineer at Williams for David Coulthard in 1994 and '95 (3rd in '95 WDC), and then for Jacques Villeneuve in 1996 (2nd in WDC) and '97 (WDC Champion).
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