Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Every single publication the world over must stick to a determined format and a number of characters that fit within a range and all of them are designed to grab one's attention. Not all of them have "tabloidistic" guidelines.
Ive read wıth ınterest the vıews expressed ın thıs thread. What srtıkes me ıs as folows
Whılst Lewıs ısnt motıvated by money foremost,clearly he expects to be paıd ın accordance wıth hıs abılıtıes and what he delıvers to the team. He ıs currently on the same pay as hıs team mate and has been asked to take a cut. Hıs team mate was sıgned on that salary ın the same ecconomıc clımate as now and generally dows not delıver as well as Lewıs. Thıs ıs unacceptable.

The team,manager Whıtmarsh has an obvıous preference for Button whıch seems to get stronger by the race.

I thınk those two thıngs are the reasons Lewıs may not resıgn. Yes there is talk of trophıes,brand ımage etc etc but basıcally Lewıs wants above all to wın. That ıs dıffıcult ıf your team prıncıpal prefers your team mate and ıs prepared to pay hım more for drıvıng slower. Those are what I thınk would be the stumblıng blocks.
Ive read wıth ınterest the vıews expressed ın thıs thread. What srtıkes me ıs as folows
Whılst Lewıs ısnt motıvated by money foremost

How do you know?

He ıs currently on the same pay as hıs team mate and has been asked to take a cut.

How do you know?

That ıs dıffıcult ıf your team prıncıpal prefers your team mate and ıs prepared to pay hım more for drıvıng slower.

How do you know?
racecub I would add, that all information about salaries, both current and future, and that of his team mate are matters of conjecture. Whilst I agree with your sentiment if the numbers are correct, there is no confirmation of this either way.
The Artıst The salarıes of both have been prınted on thıs forum frequently. Theyre the same.
Ron Dennıs saıd Lewıs would have to take a cut.
Lewıs saıd there ıs more ımportant thıngs to consıder than the salary(and he gave beıng able to deal wıth the upcomıng regulatıon changes as an example)
Whıtmarsh? Body language, ıntervıew comments.
I think that Ron Dennis actually only said that the previous contract was signed in a different economic climate, and never actually stated anything about a pay cut.

That said, it could be true, however, despite numbers being quoted, in various sources, these are always conjecture, as rarely do the salaries become public knowledge. Also, despite the retainer, other aspects of the contract allow for alternative earning streams, such as points bonuses, image rights etc.

Anything that has been read into the negotiations (even bearing in mind the entire nature of the possible move) is pure conjecture. Heck, it is even conjecture that Mercedes have an offer on the table.
racecub an interesting link, thanks.

It seems that all the information on drivers salaries comes from the same source, the Business Book GP 2012, some articles have reported this as "estimated", some use the term "reportedly" frequently.

It would be interesting to know how these numbers are obtained, although the book looks to be quite expensive, and in French!
The fact is that these figures are estimates, and likely bear little relation to reality!

Furthermore, they don't necessarily represent all of the earnings the drivers get from their teams.

Also, if you bear in mind all of the reports that have come out relating to Hamilton's negotiations with McLaren, there have been discussions about retaining image rights. The value of those image rights are massive - and could be quite easily an effective raise in salary. How do you know that the offer that has been tabled isn't a lower salary, but with image rights? We don't!

Negotiations are going on - in secret.

Contracts are secret.

Salaries are secret.

Does anyone know anything? Well, drivers and managers know how much their drivers are paid. Driver managers will then double the salary, and spread that round as a rumour to increase their drivers value to other teams!
Whilst LH may not be motivated by money... his *new* management team most certainly is...

The real battle is being fought over image rights as The Artist..... states above. If LH got a salary 1/5th of JB but had control of his image rights his earnings would be (imho) 3-4 times JB's by the end of any given calendar year...
From BBC Singapore practice live text:

BBC Sport's chief F1 writer Andrew Benson in Singapore:
"Lewis Hamilton's future continues to be the subject of speculation within Formula 1, following Eddie Jordan's report on this website two weeks ago that the McLaren driver was on the verge of moving to Mercedes. There has been an interesting development on that story on Friday, with the German tabloid Bild - which has close links with Mercedes - reporting that Michael Schumacher's chances of staying on had 'dropped suddenly'. Bild says Schumacher's future 'depends on' Hamilton's decision. Meanwhile, Peter Sauber has told the German magazine Auto Motor und Sport he would take Schumacher 'immediately' if he became available."

Hamilton to Mercedes, Perez to McLaren, Schumacher to Sauber?
I have to say, I think the Silver "Singapore Edition" helmet that Lewis is using looks so much smarter than his Yellow one he should switch to that full time. I've no idea why I felt the need to post that but I don't recall seeing a new crash hat on a driver that actually looked bloody smart for a long time. C'mon Lewis, ditch the imitation Senna look and keep the red, blue and silver one. Oh and awesome P1 by the way. :D
Whatever Lewis decided he'll do it for him. If he's not happy at Mclaren then getting out might be the best thing. They's more to life than just winning, if Lewis does move to Mercedes then i wish him all the best :).
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