Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
McLaren is the only sensible option for Lewis as far as I'm concerned. The only things worth considering would be a seat at Ferrari (and probably an Alonsoless Ferrari at that) or at a team with financial backing and Adrian Newey at the helm (currently Red Bull...) Nothing else could guarantee a performance level similar to McLaren's. To even consider Mercedes I'd certainly want guarantees that their future in the sport is certain and that they are going to invest vast amounts of money to get to the front and stay there.

That's what I'd be saying if I was his manager/advisor anyway, and I'd be pushing for a short 2 year contract so that if McLaren turn out to be terrible in 2014 (with the new regulations) Lewis can abandon ship.

Also, McLaren should be doing everything to keep Lewis. Neither party is perfect, but I think both have more to lose than gain by parting ways.
I know a lot of people seem to think EJ's sources are accurate because he came up with the Schumacher return to F1 with Merc in 2010, but if someone constantly comes up with fifty different stories per broadcast one of them is bound to be true.
Eddie's in the habir of rambling on about a driver with ten-minute monologue about where his future should/could/probably lays... and then saying that driver should be left to alone and make his choice with a cool head. :rolleyes: .
Based on the Mercedes of the past three years this looks like a terrible move from Hamilton if it is indeed true. Their tire degradation will only be worsend by Hamiltons driving style, surely.

However, if they turn out another Brawn esque car then he could be laughing!
I said it a while ago and most people disagreed with me, but Hamilton's career will be a case of missed chances and wrong place, wrong time.

If he does move to Mercedes then that will effectively move him out of the top tier to the next group down.

Yes it's possible to move back up, as we saw with Alonso, but quite honestly I think most teams would think twice about employing Hamilton these days as he doesn't seem to have matured as much as he should have after six years in the sport.
Not sure if this has been posted, couldnt see it anywhere. About lewis going to Mercedes.
If lewis had the right manager he'd be sublime. I think he needs to get out of Mclaren. I realise Mercedes isnt up there yet, but it could be. Mclarenn havent exactly set the world alight with champioships in the last few years, ...decade??
Anyway, its an interesting read. Could just be negotiating tactics starting from Lewis' management.
It could well be Brogan

There are 23 drivers on the grid watching the Lewis histrionics thinking to themselves...
"if only that guy had to drive a complete shitbox for a season or two he might have a different approach"...

I really think he needs a change of scenery... get away from the McLaren creche and step out into the great unknown...
I bet there are also several drivers who are thinking "imagine what that guy could do if he just applied himself correctly and cut out the crap" ZakspeedYakspeed ;)

Let's face it, when he's on form he's (virtually) untouchable,
It just seems that he seems to be off it as much as he's on it, although this season on the circuit he hasn't had too many issues, unlike last season.
It could well be Brogan

There are 23 drivers on the grid watching the Lewis histrionics thinking to themselves...
"if only that guy had to drive a complete shitbox for a season or two he might have a different approach"...

I really think he needs a change of scenery... get away from the McLaren creche and step out into the great unknown...

I don't think there was a bigger shitbox than the 2009 McLaren but intake your point. He's easy prey for the media and some of it is entirely his fault.
Well who knows what goes on at Mclaren, we only see bits of it. I think he'd be better out of it, with a manager more able to extract his potential. All that said, the reason he isnt higher up the championship this season is nothing to do with his being 'off it', its to do with his team making too many errors.
McLaren is the only sensible option for Lewis as far as I'm concerned. The only things worth considering would be a seat at Ferrari (and probably an Alonsoless Ferrari at that) or at a team with financial backing and Adrian Newey at the helm (currently Red Bull...) Nothing else could guarantee a performance level similar to McLaren's. To even consider Mercedes I'd certainly want guarantees that their future in the sport is certain and that they are going to invest vast amounts of money to get to the front and stay there.

That's what I'd be saying if I was his manager/advisor anyway, and I'd be pushing for a short 2 year contract so that if McLaren turn out to be terrible in 2014 (with the new regulations) Lewis can abandon ship.

Also, McLaren should be doing everything to keep Lewis. Neither party is perfect, but I think both have more to lose than gain by parting ways.

If there is any truth in this, it will be down to money.... McLaren don't have endless pots of cash to throw at drivers, and considering the level of Hamilton's reported salary (especially compared with Button), in the current economic climate, it may not be able to so much as match its previous contract, let alone increase it! McLaren are also a changed team, in that they now have to pay for their engines, rather than receiving engines+cash from Mercedes....

When Ayrton Senna was with McLaren, it is reported that the team sacrificed developments on the car in order to pay his salary (Especially in 1993) - which led to their struggles from 1994-1997. They have surely learnt from this experience, and won't sacrifice money for the development of the team to drivers wages!

Finally, if money is what is important, I would be very disappointed... Personally, I'd be willing to drive a McLaren for free! (Although, I don't think they'd be willing to let me!) ;)
I wonder what Lewis' points per £ has been over the period of his current contract, compared to the other leading drivers. Not sure of a reliable salary source, though - never mind bonuses.
An agreement works both ways....Lewis must be pretty peeved with McLaren after all he's been through for them ...

Turkey 2010.......... and many more incidents have shown up a questionable state of affairs in the team.

After Quali last week-end ..Lewis said "I was told the difference in wings was not great, so it is definately a suprise. I was told my qualifying would be quicker, but for some reason it wasn't"

IMO the media/spin merchants, don't realise that some of us, can see through the bluff, fluff & cheesey grins..we want to see & hear what is actually going on.......LH sent a bit of actual............. much ado about nothing ........mind games.......

What to do...LH has said that he wanted to have his F1 career at McLaren.........but

Having a number one and number two driver is best - Jenson Button McLaren Formula 1 news, live F1 ESPN F1.mht
Rumors abound that Mercedes may withdrawl from F1, and turn over their operations to AMG. How long will it take them to become a front runner, in order to challenge the likes of Mclaren, Ferrari and Red Bull. If he is crazy enough to make such a move, he had better get ready too put on hold, any future hopes for awhile of any WDC's. I hope that he listens to his father Anthony, who wants him to remain at Mclaren, and not make such a rash decision.
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