Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
I read an interview by Whitmarsh (sorry quite a long time ago and I cant find it)saying it was because Lewis' dad was pushing for Lewis to move up racing categories faster than Mclaren/Whitmarsh wanted him to, so Whitmarsh ripped the contract up and said off you go then. They resolved their differences and a new contract was signed. Sorry I don't have any more details. I do remember Whitmarsh saying words to the effect of 'luckily the contract was resigned or I'd have looked a right chump for letting Hamilton go'

EDIT: Ive found a reference to it

On a recent trip to McLaren's headquarters in Woking, Whitmarsh told The Sunday Telegraph an illuminating story about a six-week period back in 2004 when he set the team's golden goose free after a dispute with Hamilton Snr.
"At this very table I tore up Lewis Hamilton's contract in front of Anthony," Whitmarsh recalled. "It was at the end of his first year of Formula Three and I said we are here to develop and guide Lewis's career. If you're not happy then you can be totally free.
"Anthony was keen to press on. He was an ambitious young man. My view was that we did not want to get to F1 before Lewis was 21 and there were only so many steps to go. I wanted him to do another year in Formula Three and have the pressure of being favourite to win it."
As it turned out, Hamilton Snr went off to speak with Arden, a GP2 team run by current Red Bull team principal Christian Horner.
Fortunately for McLaren a deal was never struck.
"For six weeks he wasn't on our books," Whitmarsh said, shaking his head. "What a cock-up that could have been! Then Anthony rang me and said can we come back? He did another year of Formula Three, which he won. I think those years were the most important."
:wave:A nighty night wave back Kewee.
Lotus may not be able to offer Lewis the money but its not all about money.
On Mansell---- I dont think Lewis did 'luck' into that drive. He earnt it and proved he was able to handle it. Mansell is a grumpy old man who doesn't like to think anyone is considered a challenge to his achievements.
Your right, it's not all about money. Regarding Mansell's comment your right again. Lewis definitely earned his drive and proved he was well worth the faith placed in him. I think what Mansell meant was he lucked into a fabulous car, not that he was lucky to get the drive. Many drivers over the years have been held back by a poor car, Hamilton didn't suffer this disadvantage and made the most of the chance he was given. :)
I didn't say he'd get better results in the pits.......I only referred to financial rewards and better results on track.

Better pit stops will ultimately lead to better results on track. I think everybody is in agreement that that is where Hamilton has truly lost out this year. And by suggesting that if Lewis had signed a contract already his team would be delivering better results for him, that is akin to saying they're not trying as hard as possible in the first place.

We're in total agreement that Alonso and Ferrari have much better mojo going right now, but their situation couldn't be more different from Hamilton and McLaren's. In fact, I'm not sure if Lewis could ever reach that level of commitment from McLaren. Their driver policy makes it impossible to receive the level of support that Fernando does from Ferrari.

Although it might have been only a pipe dream, Hamilton was right to wait and see if Red Bull would have interest in a driver change. Now that Webber's locked in again, we all know Lewis will end up back in Woking.
That maybe true but Webber is on a one year rolling contract so red bull will be open again next year and McLaren will want a multi year deal from Lewis so will Lewis be prepared to stay at a team for an extended period of time that apparently isn't producing the results that he wants? And hasn't done since 2008
P'haps a win win for both parties... 4 year deal:

2013 - normal
2014 - driver option (keeps the pressure in on McLaren in 2013 to deliver)
2015 - team option (with some form of punitive buy out clause) - ie. take the driver option in 2014, but effectively commits for 2yrs
2016 - driver option (if it is or has ended in tears after 2015, Lewis can walk away)

Financially ratchet it up ala $20MM / $22MM / $25MM / $28MM to add a bit of tabasco to the mix...

If it all works out well, McLaren deliver in 2013 and make the 2014 transition to the new powerplant and rules successfully... it could deliver another WDC and p'haps a couple of constructors titles... be a good deal

If it doesn't work out, then there are two reset points that permit Lewis the chance to move on... and chance his arm elsewhere...

Lewis... if you are reading this, drop me a line tiger, will give you a hand...
"When you're in this position - and this is the first time [for me], you have to do your due diligence, look at the whole grid, all your options and all your plans and not rush into things, because some of the worst decisions are generally ones that are rushed," he said.
"I have a lot of faith in this team, it's like a family, I have been here since I was 13-years-old. Anything different would feel very abnormal."

Video from Sky:
Oh that poor boy! What decisions he has to make! That team don't really treat him like a family member, he should remember that. I hope he makes the right decision. I don't even know what the right decision is:(
Hamilton's flow chart for the next few months should look something like this:

1) Can my management team get me a contract that reflects what I think I'm worth with Mclaren? If no see below.

2) Will Mclaren be capable of helping me to win another world title during the period of that contract? If no refer to point 1.

3) Are there any other teams prepared to pay me what I think I'm worth? If no see point 1.

4) Are there any other teams capable of helping me to win another championship which will help increase my worth? If no refer to point 1.

5) If all the above is no then sign a contract with Mclaren because there isn't any better alternative.
That maybe true but Webber is on a one year rolling contract so red bull will be open again next year and McLaren will want a multi year deal from Lewis so will Lewis be prepared to stay at a team for an extended period of time that apparently isn't producing the results that he wants? And hasn't done since 2008
Unfair on McLaren to suggest they haven't produced results since 2008. Half way through 2010 it was looking like a head to head between Webber and Hamilton, until a number of errors at key moments from Lewis cost him any chance of being in the fight at the end of the season.
Porceliamone :heart:Thanks for that vid. I was at that race live...birthday present. And WHAT a birthday present from Lewis!!! It was better than the F1 race...which was also good. That, along with Silverstone of the same year, remain two of my favourite Hamilton races!! Already a Lewis fan before those races, after them, I was desperate for McLaren to put him in an F1 car. He didnt disappoint.

Kewee Lewis did have some incidents in the latter part of 2010, but if you look at all the top contenders his mistakes were no more numerous...its just they happened at the end. Alonso made lots and so did Vettel, but because they happened nearer the beginning of the season (and because they are not Hamilton) they are not remembered.
racecub..... Going by your bracketed comment I get the impression you think I'm anti Lewis, I'm not. Yes there were mistakes in the first half of the season, in Alonso's case more than a few decisions went against him. The only one I would say was his own fault was his failure to give the place back at Silverstone, others were not of his own making. Lewis was leading the championship on 182 points after Spa then had two DNF's in a row at Monza and Singapore, which left him starting Japan, three GP's later still on 182 points. Both were caused by him being overly aggressive and effectively took him out of the title fight. There are often key moments in a season which affect a drivers fortunes or misfortunes and these two races were two such moments.
I've always said Hamilton is a fabulous driver, as his GP2 drive in Turkey shows, but too often in the last few seasons he's driven exactly like that, a GP2 driver trying to win the race in 25 or so laps instead of pacing himself over 58 laps, knowing when to conserve and when to attack. He's modified his approach now and I'm sure results will come, but had he done so sooner he may well have been a triple champion by now.
Nice video, but wtf was he thinking when he spun around and drove in front of the others? That could have gone so wrong, he was lucky there :D
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