Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
I think he's always had up's and downs with the media. Some it his own fault, some of it the fault of those that should be protecting him.

He certainly comes across better in the interview posted above than anything I've heard from him in a while. Maybe that big managment company have finally splashed money out on someone who understands how the F1 media works.
Well, as he won a WC 4 years ago by being consistent (funny that)

I know I shouldn't say this, but here goes. Hamilton was not extremely consistent in 2008, but Massa and Raikkonen were even more inconsistent.

Don't forget his championship year included his lapped 13th in Bahrain, his making a mess of strategy at Monza, and a complete failure to realise the meaning of a red light.

Consistency has hardly ever been Hamilton's strength, Hamilton's strength - and the reason he won that Championship - is that on his best days he is the best.
I think Lewis has learnt the lessons of 2010 and 2011 where gung ho approach has proved very costly in the grand scheme of things

He is obviously realising that he needs people who will help and support him throughout the weekend so certainly is managing himself better and more calm..that is a good sign..he knows on his off days he better get some good points and then when it is day he can capitalise

He should be glad the Red Bull's are behind him at the moment and looking a flustered . He knows the car has the speed but just needs to find that race pace to make him difficult to beat
I think he's always had up's and downs with the media. Some it his own fault, some of it the fault of those that should be protecting him.

Also needed to be added to that list, are those in media who unfortunately just make up stories regarding Lewis, i.e.... his purchase of a $400,000 personal license plate, and a superyacht are just a few examples!
I know I shouldn't say this, but here goes. Hamilton was not extremely consistent in 2008, but Massa and Raikkonen were even more inconsistent.

Don't forget his championship year included his lapped 13th in Bahrain, his making a mess of strategy at Monza, and a complete failure to realise the meaning of a red light.

Consistency has hardly ever been Hamilton's strength, Hamilton's strength - and the reason he won that Championship - is that on his best days he is the best.
You can pick any driver out and list errors, he still won, which measn he made less or drove faster, or both.
I was replying to Cookinflatsix' assertion that Hamilton was consistent in 2008. I never, at any point, questioned that he deserved the 2008 Championship. Anything short of 12 out of 10 is taken as a criticism here...
And im not saying that he always has to score 12 out of 10. Yes,he makes errors. Im just saying, they all do. When they're giving it their all and they're on the edge, all the champions make errors.
His new manage used to manage Mika didnt he? Perhaps he's passed on the advantages of minimal comment, minimal emotion, minimal expression. Go Lewis! Play the game!!

Well he's mastered minimal comment - not sure about the other 2 so far this season
Oh i think he did pretty well in the last race given the circumstances.


The thing about Mika is that he actually wasn't that minimal. He's actually a really funny guy on camera and before he was involved in the title race he used to muck about with the press - I remember a very funny interview in 94 in Adalaide when they were asking him who would win the title that year (it was the last race) and he insisted it was going to either be him or Nelson Piquet (who had retired 3 years earlier). During his title reign he became very no comment mainly to avoid the Schumacher/Irvine mind games - and apart from one episode in the bushes at Monza he did a good job of it. At least he didn't end up like DC giving the finger as he overtook and looking a prat.

Kimi is exceptional minimal but he pulls it off by showing no emotion at all. His face when he wins is the same as when he loses and although its a little dull we've all learned to love it because we know he has a sense of humour. If Lewis wants to adapt this tactic he really needs to learn that minimal does not mean surly and sulky. On 4 seperate occasions I've seen him obviously want to play the no comment card because he's upset but because his upsetness is written all over his face it doesn't work because it so obvious he's upset and if he doesn't say why people start to speculate which leads to all sorts of things in the media.

I think one of the downsides of being a young champion and a fast riser is that you don't learn to lose. I think we're seeing that with Vettel, I think we've seen it with Hamilton. We certainly saw it with Alonso in 2007 and we saw it in Button's early days as well. The difference with Alonso and Button is that after a couple of seasons of not getting the results they learnt a little about it. Everyone goes on about Alonso's imporved attitude. Its basically he's had to learn to accept you don't win them all because if you beat yourself up like that all the time you're just hurting yourself. I think Lewis is learning that (although I'd rather not see another Oz podium face please) and I think Vettel is going to have to learn that.
I think Kimi and Mika are great in how they deal with the press. Give them nothing and there's nothng for them to turn against you. You are right lewis is not good at it. He will never be able to hide his emotions completely because thats what he's like. But he's trying, and he has to try, because if he doesnt not only does he give the press a field day but also his competitors an advantage. So ok, he's not brill, but he's doing ok. Minimal comment and they can make what they will of his sulky face.
What a boring and insincere world this would be if those we support (or otherwise) pretended to be all sweetness and light regardless of how their day has turned out. I would rather see an emotion on someone's face that reflects how they truly and honestly feel than all the fake BS that seems to be being asked of them. PR is not about placating our feelings and sensibilities, it is about informing us. If ones mien or body langauge tells us honestly how someone feels I really don't understand why that should be held against them.

Why should it be a bad thing for someone to wear their heart on their sleeve whilst we can come out with all sorts of drivel on a public forum? When the folk's I expect to do well, mess up their races or have them messed for them, I don't need to look in the mirror to know that I am exhibiting disappointment and sometimes anger. Some other folk's should.

Sorry if that comment might pee some folk's off but I find a lot of discussion about how someone should "appear" in the media pretty tiresome. It's the media needs sorting out and it won't be sorted out if the media think it's this stuff we are interested in.

Let Lewis and the rest of them be who they are. Please.
I would love to 'let them be who they are' - personally, I don't want bleeding hearts, sorrow and angst.

These guys are the elite and favoured (hugely), in a sport they claim they love - just get on with it and stop bloody moaning!
Sometimes I go to work and get pissed off that a decision has been made which I disagree with or that my great idea has been surpassed by someone else's great idea. I have learned that jumping up and down about it normally has a more adverse effect than swallowing it and trying to work out how best to diplomatically improve my position in the future, or even contemplating on how I might up my game. It's professionalism and these guys are extremely highly paid professionals.
I would love to 'let them be who they are' - personally, I don't want bleeding hearts, sorrow and angst.

These guys are the elite and favoured (hugely), in a sport they claim they love - just get on with it and stop bloody moaning!
Hmm, elite and favoured, :thinking: Stupidly well paid for what they do, yes. Favoured - whilst they are on top ... yes. However, it is a short career - 15 years tops - in which they have had to work extremely hard to get up to the top and stay there - and in the process risk life and limb. Then after that, only the very best might wind up like Jackie Stewart or Stirling Moss who can carry on getting paid to just turn up and say something. Meanwhile, for some strange reason we are asking them to stop moaning whilst we carry on moaning for weeks until the next event! That's like me trying to tell everyone to stop moaning and complaining completely. Which I'm not. I just want the hypocrisy to take a rest ... for as long as possible.
Sometimes I go to work and get pissed off that a decision has been made which I disagree with or that my great idea has been surpassed by someone else's great idea. I have learned that jumping up and down about it normally has a more adverse effect than swallowing it and trying to work out how best to diplomatically improve my position in the future, or even contemplating on how I might up my game. It's professionalism and these guys are extremely highly paid professionals.

I quite agree, but there is a difference between standing looking dejected as all the adrenaline is wearing off and making unwarranted personal abuse or attacks. The latter is what I agree is unprofessional and the former I regard as not unreasonable.

Edit: second part of this post delayed to an interuption. Please excuse me ...

I also don't think it is unreasonable for someone to answer a question from the media in an honest way. If the respnse sounds like a moan, well what else would it be? A lie?
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