Rooters Reporter
My daughter bought me the DVD. I was surprised at how little there was of content that I hadn't seen already. I can understand how younger folk's who haven't been following F1 as long as us oldies would have got a lot more out of it. My own view is that it was poorly and lazily put together and, especially following all the hype, it was great disappointment.
As FB says, I too didn't see the need for the graphic footage of the fatal incidents, maily because one would expect it to have been a movie one would take ones kids to see. Granted it's unavoidable when your family is watching live on a Sunday afternoon but in the movie it seemed more "in your face".
As FB says, I too didn't see the need for the graphic footage of the fatal incidents, maily because one would expect it to have been a movie one would take ones kids to see. Granted it's unavoidable when your family is watching live on a Sunday afternoon but in the movie it seemed more "in your face".