Senna the Movie

My daughter bought me the DVD. I was surprised at how little there was of content that I hadn't seen already. I can understand how younger folk's who haven't been following F1 as long as us oldies would have got a lot more out of it. My own view is that it was poorly and lazily put together and, especially following all the hype, it was great disappointment.

As FB says, I too didn't see the need for the graphic footage of the fatal incidents, maily because one would expect it to have been a movie one would take ones kids to see. Granted it's unavoidable when your family is watching live on a Sunday afternoon but in the movie it seemed more "in your face".
The BBC did. At that time Eurosport were also covering F1 as I preferred Ben Edwards and Wattie I was watching that. They kept a live feed of the team trying to get Senna out of the car, albeit from quite a distance.
teabagyokel I believe they did but I remember having seen that scene before. Director/producers are usually quite adept at cutting away but they do have their off moments. They are better at it these days, maybe not so adept in the past. With coverage of bike racing we always fear the worst when there is a crash that is not followed by replays because then our imaginations run wild. It's a tough call for the producers, they're caught between a rock and a hard place, methinks.
Finally got around to putting this on and I have to say I'm all a bit meh! about it.

It's 15 minutes in and basically consists of people eulogising about Senna.
I've never really worshipped at the altar of Senna so does it get any better?
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