cider_and_toast Exulted Lord High Moderator of the Apex Staff Member Valued Member 20 September 2008 #1 Dear all. As the proud winner of the last caption comp it is my pleasure to post this picture on the board for you. So place your best caption against this picture. The comp will run for a week or so or until we are all bored of it. Good Luck C_A_T Attachments Mark Webber.webp 119.8 KB · Views: 206
Dear all. As the proud winner of the last caption comp it is my pleasure to post this picture on the board for you. So place your best caption against this picture. The comp will run for a week or so or until we are all bored of it. Good Luck C_A_T
Amdathlonuk Somewhat related......... Contributor 20 September 2008 #2 See guys, I've been practising ALL week, I'm just waiting for Strictly Come Dancing to give me a call!!
See guys, I've been practising ALL week, I'm just waiting for Strictly Come Dancing to give me a call!!
S slickskid Points Scorer Supporter 21 September 2008 #4 feeling tyred but looking wired webber decides to practice his thunderbirds audition moves.
cider_and_toast Exulted Lord High Moderator of the Apex Staff Member Valued Member 21 September 2008 #5 Mark Webber, as always the team player, gets ready to catch David Coulthards chin.
teabagyokel #dejavu Valued Member 22 September 2008 #6 Ever the innovators, Red Bull search for new ways to scrub their tyres
Porceliamone This cost me a tenner, but so L'Oreal. Contributor 22 September 2008 #7 These aircraft tires are much bigger than I thought commented the newly crowned Mr F1 Midget, Mark Webber.
These aircraft tires are much bigger than I thought commented the newly crowned Mr F1 Midget, Mark Webber.
Amdathlonuk Somewhat related......... Contributor 23 September 2008 #8 Mark Webber tries to explain his enormous skid marks to the rest of the team...
GeoffP Wake me when we’re there Contributor 24 September 2008 #10 Woody was proud of his new outfit and posed frowning until Buzz tripped backwards over Mr Potato Head
Woody was proud of his new outfit and posed frowning until Buzz tripped backwards over Mr Potato Head
S slickskid Points Scorer Supporter 28 September 2008 #11 Not to be outdone by david blane, weber decides to create his illusion by siting on his tyes for an entire race weekend
Not to be outdone by david blane, weber decides to create his illusion by siting on his tyes for an entire race weekend
cider_and_toast Exulted Lord High Moderator of the Apex Staff Member Valued Member 6 October 2008 #13 Sorry Teabag and sorry all. I've been on my holidays. The poll is now in place so get voting.
cider_and_toast Exulted Lord High Moderator of the Apex Staff Member Valued Member 12 October 2008 #14 Congrats to Amdathlonuk for winning the 5th Caption comp. Over to you for the next pic. Regards C_A_T
Congrats to Amdathlonuk for winning the 5th Caption comp. Over to you for the next pic. Regards C_A_T
Amdathlonuk Somewhat related......... Contributor 12 October 2008 #15 OMG! I better get looking!! Do I win money or a prize?