Nico Rosberg

Nico Erik Rosberg, son of Keijo "Keke" Erik Rosberg, is about to have his 100th Grand Prix meeting this weekend in Hungary.

I was about to write my "best wishes" to him in 'his' thread...but I couldn't find, I figured I might as well start it off.

What is very interesting is that his father, Keke, took part in 114 Grand Prix races in his entire Formula One career, winning 5 of them - all for Williams from 1982 to 1985 - as well as a World Championship.

It's interesting in that Nico is approaching that number quickly and he's already about to finish off his 6th season in a few months...but without a win to his name...and no win in sight given the current pecking order of the cars.

Some say Nico is a great talent...while others say he hasn't fared well against quality teammates in their prime, so it's hard to judge. Mark Webber is, seemingly, his only reasonable benchmark and that was way back in his rookie season in a car that was one of the worst ones ever constructed by Williams.

What are people's thoughts on Nico Rosberg?

Regardless, Godspeed to Nico on the occassion of his 100th Grand Prix this weekend! :)
I hope he is until there is a clear front runner that they need to back.

This year is his best chance and I expect great things from young(middle aged?) Nico this year.

I'd fucking love him to win it!
Why would Mercedes give their world champion team leader who they paid massive amounts of money to bring to the team number one status?

I can't think of any reason can you?

I'm not saying its going to happen because it might not but suggesting you can't see any reason why it might happen just makes you look a bit silly really.
Can't argue with that. At the end of the day teams are in it to win it and I'm increasingly of the opinion having equality isn't the right way forward.

Just hope it's not a decision made in the first quarter. However I'm not convinced by the management set up, seems a bit corporate.

However reasonable Malaysia last year may have been, I can't see Nico not being secretly be miffed.
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I can't see how a German team with German/Austrian management would ever give equality to a German driver.:no:

You are absolutely correct but I wasn't arguing that they wouldn't I was sayin denying that you can see any reason why Merc might give Lewis preference is silly as there are plenty reasons.

Basically denying Merc might have a reason to not give Nico equal status is because you have an agenda to prove something just like if I said the def weren't going to give him equal status would be me with an agenda (which by the way the poster in question does havevan agenda).

The truth is we don't know but we've seen Merc give preference before so saying 'I can see no reason why they might not give driver A equal status' is, like I said, silly. Bill Boddy I'm sure you're aware it could go either way because I know your postings well enough that you don't have to try and prove 'your driver' is the greatest at all costs.
Well, we've seen Merc give preference to the lead driver after the last round of pit stops, a tactic adopted by other teams. Said lead driver happened to be Hamilton. I'm fairly sure in the old multi 21 scenario didn't mean Webber was the chosen one at Red Bull.
Well I personally think NR is as good if not slightly better than JB on his day and there is no reason he can't challenge - he did win more races than Hamilton last season but agree unless the overall performance is there all season and Hamilton say has a few 'moments' it will be a tough task.

It was quite interesting where Hamilton said, just because Nico spends longer with engineers it doesn't mean he'll have the edge which is what some are suggesting.
Nico tend to be pretty anon in some races and top notch in others. The fact he won more races yet didn't really threatern to finish ahead of Lewis in the championship last year highlights his need to be able to produce the results 95% of the time rather than 60% of the time.

But who you never know how a driver will perforn if they suddenly find themselves with a title winning car so never say never and I've always been a Nico sceptic.

Oh and Hamberg I have to disagree with you on JB point. Button has shown he can produce the results when it matters and not seen that from Rosberg (yet).

And of course Nico will be forever blotted for me over Malaysia 2009.
So can Nico produce results, when he has decent machinery. Harsh about Malaysia 2009, it was one mistake, silly and big I know, horribly compounded by the safety car timing but he's not typically error prone. I did cry though.
oh bollocks. I was talking about the white line. See don't tell me the brain doesn't start to slip when you're in your early 30s! Maybe thats the wine...
What happened to Rosberg in Malaysia '09?

He was leading by 10 seconds and some how ended up finishing 10th. Although the conditons changed he did no longer in them than 99% of the field and pitted at the same time as 99% of the field and there were no mistakes in the pits.

I've still not figured out how he went so backwards and see no other reason than he just fell off the pace and that really raises concerns about his ultimate concentration levels or ability to adapt for me.

Is it of course just my humble view from what I've seen and I don't claim to be an expert. We're all allowed our view though! I'd be happy to be proved wrong. If you go back through this thread I once suggested he'd never win a Grand Prix and was happy to eat humble pie when he did so who knows.
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