Nico Rosberg

Nico Erik Rosberg, son of Keijo "Keke" Erik Rosberg, is about to have his 100th Grand Prix meeting this weekend in Hungary.

I was about to write my "best wishes" to him in 'his' thread...but I couldn't find, I figured I might as well start it off.

What is very interesting is that his father, Keke, took part in 114 Grand Prix races in his entire Formula One career, winning 5 of them - all for Williams from 1982 to 1985 - as well as a World Championship.

It's interesting in that Nico is approaching that number quickly and he's already about to finish off his 6th season in a few months...but without a win to his name...and no win in sight given the current pecking order of the cars.

Some say Nico is a great talent...while others say he hasn't fared well against quality teammates in their prime, so it's hard to judge. Mark Webber is, seemingly, his only reasonable benchmark and that was way back in his rookie season in a car that was one of the worst ones ever constructed by Williams.

What are people's thoughts on Nico Rosberg?

Regardless, Godspeed to Nico on the occassion of his 100th Grand Prix this weekend! :)
Nico Rosberg is on a water tight contract where it would have been expensive to pay him off to ward off suitors like Ferrari and Mclaren until 2014

He lost to LEwis as karting teammates in the team run by Keke. He has lived in the shadow of Lewis throughout his career and his potential has never been fulfilled

This season's early form has tailed off with the car and next season could actually make or break Nico's career given it is no secret Mercedes have been looking at Vettel, Hulkenburg and DI Resta

Next season would be Nico's 8th season in F1 and possibly last chance to establish himself as a true front runner I feel
That's an interesting point and it means that maybe there is more pressure on Rosberg than it would first appear. I'd assumed he'd have nothing to lose if Hamilton comprehensively beats him, but if 2013 is the last year on his contract and with talented youngsters waiting in the wings anything can happen.
I hope Nico will rise to the challenge of having a competitive team mate.
Arguably Lewis's best year was 2007 when he was paired with Fernando & it brought out his best driving. I'm hoping Nico will have that extra incentive & both drivers will push each other to be long as the car is decent....hmmm....
Mephistopheles a typo error not moving the I aint going to copyright that name ..maybe I should to build a brand then


Nico has never had a quality teammate on top of his game to go up against so this is a serious challenge which could test his friendship with Lewis especially if it hurts his career..... I think Nico's dad will make sure his son does not get overrawed by this

Like I said I am not entirely convinced that Mercedes insiders truly want Nico for his abilities behind the wheel
Mephistopheles that's not what I said. I don't think Jenson is the same calibre as Alonso therefore IMO Lewis's toughest team mate was Alonso & it seemed to bring out the best in Lewis.
Jenson is a quality driver but I wouldn't put him in the same bracket as Fernando, Lewis or prime Michael.
Everyone has an opinion & that's just mine, life would be boring & this forum redundant if we all thought the same.
Since this is the Nico Rosberg thread I'll just say I'd be posting the same hopes about Nico if Fernando was moving to Mercedes.
Nico has never had a quality teammate on top of his game to go up against so this is a serious challenge which could test his friendship with Lewis especially if it hurts his career.....

People keep talking about their great friendship because they were friends as kids and whilst I don't see a dislike between the 2 of them I haven't seen any examples of the two of them being pally pally since Lewis arrived in F1. We've heard all about Lewis's online games battles with Adrian Sutil and Fernando Alonso but I don't think I've heard any stories about him and Nico.

I thought Nico not moving to Mclaren was very telling. I think the fact Lewis came in with such a bang whilst Nico has never really got his shot has left Nico trying to distance himself from Hamilton so as not to end up in the flunky role. Lewis can afford to be as nice as he likes about Nico because he's never been a threat to him and actually being that nice kind of tells Nico that.

I have a feeling Rosberg will be waiting outside the door of the Merc factory on Monday morning begging to get in that simulator coz I really think he'll be gunning to show Lewis up.

Having said that I've never rated Rosberg for consistancy so could he out pace Lewis? In a race on his day yes but over a season I doubt it.
Like I said Lewis complimenting Nico. Never heard Nico's take on the whole thing.

I'm not stirring anything here I'm just saying sometimes your biggest rivals are your friends you grew up with. Back in my younger days I was a cross country runner and I had a best friend who was a pretty quick one as well, however I was slightly quicker and over the season (when I was top of my age group) we got into a pattern of me finshing first and him second and in the end he began to resent the fact that he was expected as the guy that followed me over the line so he started to run different races to me and I saw less and less of him and it got to a point where he wouldn't tell me what races he planned to run and when we were in the same races we hardly spoke to each other before.

Just making the point that competition between friends can sometimes turn very sour. Heres hoping it doesn't happen.
You've completely missed my point Hamberg - I know they're you're favourite drivers but don't be so defensive. All I'm stating is Old friends and competition can sometimes have an ugly conclusion.

But paint me as some sort of hater if it makes you happy.
I'm not at all but if people start anticipating problems I'm afraid these will become the main topic and not what they do on track. All evidence points to these two being competitive but healthily so and all interactions I've seen have shown respect and genuine affection - mutually.

Apparently the tried again in 2010 before Button or so I've been told so can't concrete on that one.

I reckon they do run cross-country for the stamina. Especially in Switzerland over them alps singing songs from sound of music.

I'm not trying to probe the in's and out's of their relationship (I'm sure there nothing more than friends ;)) but I'm just looking at from another angle to the "its a dream team" angle that seems to be taken. Friends at work doesn't always work.
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