Nico Rosberg

Nico Erik Rosberg, son of Keijo "Keke" Erik Rosberg, is about to have his 100th Grand Prix meeting this weekend in Hungary.

I was about to write my "best wishes" to him in 'his' thread...but I couldn't find, I figured I might as well start it off.

What is very interesting is that his father, Keke, took part in 114 Grand Prix races in his entire Formula One career, winning 5 of them - all for Williams from 1982 to 1985 - as well as a World Championship.

It's interesting in that Nico is approaching that number quickly and he's already about to finish off his 6th season in a few months...but without a win to his name...and no win in sight given the current pecking order of the cars.

Some say Nico is a great talent...while others say he hasn't fared well against quality teammates in their prime, so it's hard to judge. Mark Webber is, seemingly, his only reasonable benchmark and that was way back in his rookie season in a car that was one of the worst ones ever constructed by Williams.

What are people's thoughts on Nico Rosberg?

Regardless, Godspeed to Nico on the occassion of his 100th Grand Prix this weekend! :)
I feel absolutely gutted for Nico today and still do. He did everything he needed to and maintained my belief he should be a front runner yet was cruelly denied by party politics. He must be wondering what he needs to do to get his break but I have an immense amount of admiration that he has remained so dignified.
I feel sorry for Nico, he had the fuel and the pace to at least get a podium. Must be extra galling after being told that he would have equal status to his team mate and a big deal was made out of it.

I think him and Lewis may have a falling out this year at some point, especially if the preferential treatment continues.
You know Im a big Hamilton fan but I want him to win on merit. In also a rosberg fan and want him to win on merit. Today I wanted Rosberg to finish higher because I truely believed he deserved to and I hope to goodness the situation balances itself. What I'm more hopeful for is that in these two drivers they are sportsman and it will happen, I hope.
Nico Pico :(, I hope he gets a win again soon :). I believe Ross was doing what was best for the team today, but I think he'll give Nico a chance in the future :).
In what way did it benefit the team they would have gotten the same amount of points no matter which driver finished ahead, it would have been better if Jenson hadn't had his problem and was putting some pressure on them then they would have had let Nico go....
HammydiRestarules - All that says to me is that Nico was faster with more fuel in the car throughout the whole GP and therefore should have finished ahead of Lewis. I don't think they'll make it up until a full team debrief has taken place (maybe not even then) and it doesn't seem to have happened by the time Nico got back to the hotel, so this will build until some dynamic in the team changes things.
I may be wrong but I'm sure Brawn said to the BBC that Lewis would probably have run out of fuel running behind Nico so they held station.
I hope they put enough fuel in for future races & let the drivers race. However Nico was very team-spirited & I hope he gets a reciprocal arrangement. I like Hamilton but today I felt Nico was held back.
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