Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

ll_leone......Lewis just didn't say, " it does not matter if I don't win another world title "....instead....he insists that while he continues to strive and win another world title, not winning one would not be the end of the world, which I think the Mercedes team and Board would understand.

The Mercedes board will have to wait until at least 2015, because ToTo Wolff has said next season will still be too early to challenge Red Bull.

Lewywo4 - Mercedes team maybe because I am sure they are working their nuts off to develop a fast car

Mercedes board - NO - some members even suggested quit investing in F1 - yes Lauda and Toto can keep them at bay for a while but they aint going to wait for an eternity for it to happen

- they have already waited 4 years so given the car can win races now they expect it to be delivering titles soon

Lewis certainly should not say things like that at Ferrari because it shows he does not care enough
Back to the subject, I'd put Rosberg and Hamilton about even this season. Rosberg won two races in a car and team he knew better, Hamilton was more consistent and was finding his feet after a long time at McLaren. Next year will be interesting.
I agree with FB's assessment. They seemed about even to me, even so far as to say that the points difference probably had more to do with Rosberg retiring 3 times vs Hamilton only doing so once.
It was closer between the pair that many people expected I think. Here's my randomness-adjusted table for the pair.

  • Rosberg was one place behind Hamilton in Australia when he retired, looking likely to finish in 4th - Rosberg lost 12 points
  • Hamilton gained from team orders in Malaysia - Hamilton gained 3, Rosberg lost 3
  • Rosberg retires with suspension problems from 8th, Hamilton in 3rd place at the time - Rosberg lost 3 points
  • Team cock-up Hamilton's pit stop at Monaco for no reason (2nd to 4th), Rosberg in 1st place at the time - Hamilton lost 6 points
  • Hamilton's tyre blows at Silverstone goes from 1st to 4th, Rosberg goes from what would be 2nd to 1st - Hamilton lost 13 points, Rosberg gained 7
  • Rosberg retires from 9th place in Hungary, Hamilton in 1st place at the time - Rosberg lost 2 points
  • Hamilton retires from lap 1 of Japanese GP while in 2nd, I think 4th place was achievable, Rosberg goes from 9th to 8th - Hamilton lost 12 points and Rosberg gained 1 point

Actual 2013 point tally
Hamilton - 189
Rosberg - 171

So if you add the points they lost and remove the points they gained, this is how they finished.

My 2013 point tally
Hamilton - 217
Rosberg - 183

The points gap between the pair nearly doubles, from 18 to 34 points. This is a terrible method for trying to correct for luck and random instances and is by no means accurate. I took liberties (Rosberg finishing place in Oz and Hamilton's in Japan) and also I didn't count drivers from other teams, for instance Vettel would have finished 2nd to Hamilton at Silverstone if his engine hadn't gone. I also didn't take into account strategy in races, for example in India Mercedes undercut Massa by getting Rosberg in earlier, but this could only be done with one of their drivers, meaning Hamilton's progress in the race was ruined and Rosberg went on to claim 2nd.

Just something that I thought was interesting.
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So you are saying that Nico made a net loss of 12 points and Lewis managed to lose 28 points, this in itself could by some people be seen on the face of it as Nico being the more consistent of the two...

Oh and I'm glad you didn't include Hamiltons drive through at Brazil as that doesn't count as no points lost due to driver error should count when playing the points lost and gained game.
I wouldn't say that it showed Rosberg was the more consistent of the pair. All it shows to me is that out of both Mercedes drivers, Hamilton had poorer luck and yet still beat Rosberg.

I wouldn't include driver errors or anything they can control such as a coming in for slick tyres in the rain (their own tyre call of course), only reliability and pit wall mistakes.
Hey hang on there a mo I think he's okay I just don't think he's all that....

And that is probably the most enlightened sentence that has ever been said about him....
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I don't see how you can say that the team lost Hamilton points in Monaco, he admitted that it was he who had made the mistake. Also in some of the races Rosberg was in positions lower than he would have been when his car expired simply because he was slowed by the problem before the car gave up the ghost.

It is nice to see that FB managed to get posters mentioning Rosberg again in a thread which includes his name.:whistle:
I do believe that Lewis is all that, and quicker than Rosberg, but I could never understand why some people felt that Hamilton would overpower and steam roll Nico. The 2012 Chinese GP was a fantastic performance on his part, and first win for Rosberg, which clearly shown that in the future, he wasn't going to be totally dominated by Lewis, or any other driver.

Lewis should be steamrollering Rosberg.

Rosberg is clearly number 2 standard. Yes he has the odd day of form like China 2012 but they happen very rarely the same way Massa or Webber have the occassional weekend when they are unbeatable but he is not on the top level and I think this season has just shown that all the more. He's a great driver butvhe's never going to be a GREAT driver.

Hamilton should be whipping him. Lewis habbit of letting a team mate get on terms or and advantage over him in the last four years worries me a bit. Whats going to happen when he suddenly gets a Grosjean/Hulkenberg type team mate who is young and up and coming and out to prove a point.

I feel like Lewis needs someone in the garage making sure he gets the best parts and the best strategy. I think thats what his Dad was good at in the early days.
I think one of the problems Lewis has is that his driving style is not suited to the 2012 & 2013 Pirelli rubber ... how many times did you hear last year and even this year radio messages from LH early in the race:

"the rears have gone"
"the fronts have gone"
"I've got no grip"
"these tyres are crap"
"Acknowledge Lewis"

One of his great advantages over pretty much the entire field is the ability to attack other drivers and pass them on track in anger ... and now you have to work in "windows" to be able to do that with our current spec tyres... (watching live the battle between Grosjean and Webber in Austin highlighted this to me first hand)...

Nico is a fast driver ... it is no mean feat to see off a competitor like Schumacher ... and maybe he has worked out the tyre vs speed conundrum on a more consistent basis than Lewis ...

What concerns me with Lewis looking forward is that he has to adapt his driving style to match up with the current limitations of F1 rubber ... he is still young enough to do this (Webber suffered from the same issue in the past few seasons ... but at the end of his career it is harder to undo 150 odd GP's of driving style ... and Lewis is a far superior talent) ...

If Mercedes can deliver a package for next season that is easy on the tyres then it would open up the Hamilton "driving style operating window" ... but that is a big if ... esp. after the struggles they had this season ...

On a significant positive note ... I think 2013 marked the first season that Lewis didn't make a handful of overly optimistic driving mistakes ... mistakes that have plagued his career and limited his success ... I was extremely impressed with how his went about his business this past season ... maybe the post Ross Brawn era will yield more success ...
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After 3 years out the sport yes.

Lets not kid ourselves Rosberg would not have beaten 2006 Schumacher if just wouldn't have happened.

He isn't in Schumachers class nor is he in Lewis's class.
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