Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

They are exceptional? ;-)

Back to the subject Mr B, I think the difference between Lewis and Nico is that Lewis is a racing driver and has that killer instinct that only a few have whilst Nico is just missing that last little bit to make him a Champion. You only have to look at the way Lewis handled him this weekend, probably knowing full well his race tactics would rile him beyond measure.
Still a shit race though ;-) Maybe when I come to look back over the season this will be the race where Lewis broke Nico so we just have to hope KekeTheKing is right and Ferrari will bust everything to try and catch up. Somebody shoving their nose up Lewis' exhaust pipe would add a bit more to the racing.
People said JB missed that extra something but he got a WDC despite that. People say Nico misses that extra something and won't be WDC but JB managed it so watch this space.

All we need is for Hamilton to leave and Barrichello to come back and voila!
You can still miss a little bit and be champ, you've just got to get a bit from somewhere else. In JB's case it was all a matter of everything coming together in perfect harmony. Right place, right time, right car, right man for the job.
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