Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

Another significant result for Hamilton during the Austrian GP qualifying?

From not having been on top for any of the practice and qualifying sessions, he ends up on pole, despite spinning out on his final flying lap in Q3.

It was there for the taking for Rosberg, but he also binned it into the gravel on the final corner, on a lap which would more than likely have seen him take pole from Hamilton by a few hundredths.

I have a feeling that Rosberg may have a better car set up so could still win the race tomorrow.

Which would then put a different perspective on things heading into the British GP.
Rosberg needs a normal victory over Hamilton i.e. no troubles for either, just Rosberg being better on the day. That would put some mojo back into his season. Hamilton is the better of the two and will win the title without a doubt but anything to add a bit of interest to the season will help.
I don't think it's a dead cert for Hamilton.

Right up until the last race of the previous season, for one reason or another, Rosberg could still have taken the WDC.

The same could easily happen again this year - one too many stops for tyres under a SC for example...
You're right of course, nothing is a dead cert but Rosberg just won't get as close to the title as he did last year in the same way as Webber never got close to Vettel after 2010.
That's not entirely correct though. Webber was leading the WDC in 2012 at the halfway point after Silverstone. I don't think you can compare the two though. Mark was a slightly curious case. He got a lot of critism but there were also some tracks (Silverstone, Barcelona, Monaco) where he would often excel and sometimes get the beating of Seb. At others he'd just go missing entirely and would go through spells where he'd just turn up and make up the numbers.

At least Nico's always there or thereabouts, even when he's being consistently outpaced.
With out wishing to bring up an old cliche, is that more down to the dominance of the Merc though? Remember the RBR was supposed to be far more suited to Vettels needs especially in the EBD set up which Webber could never cosistently exploit.

I just feel that Rosberg had his best chance last year. Don't get me wrong, of course I want to see a close battle and the championship go to the bitter end but unless it is anything other than a normal weekend then it's a Hamilton win. That's why, as I posted above, for Rosberg to stake any claim for the title he needs to start taking normal race wins from Hamilton. Put the wind up his team mate and pressure him which could yeald further wins.
I think our only chance for a title battle this year is Ferrari taking a leap with the new engine. Vettel is still lurking and if a couple of results go his way the pressure will be on Merc. As we've seen Merc (not Hamilton) tend to get panicy when things don't go 100% their way.
, of course I want to see a close battle and the championship go to the bitter end but unless it is anything other than a normal weekend then it's a Hamilton win. .

I think ive said it before that really he reason why championship went to abu dhabi was more a case of Hamilton's bad luck than nico's quality because Lewis lost 25 in Melbourne then had spell between Monaco & Belgium where every race he had somesort of problem that compromised his weekend & was damage limitation. So once lewis managed to get a few clean weekends its always going to be tougher for nico

Although being a huge Lewis / british f1 fan I hope nico or vettel has a go at T1/2 just to get a battle at the front
So while it seems they have been doing some work on the clutch it would appear that according to the team, Hamilton's side of the garage hadn't figured out the optimal start setting come race day.
Of course Nico has a chance ; despite worse qualifying this year than last he is still hitting 1st and 2nd places....but 10 points flatters him.

Monaco was a swing of 17 points (Lewis lost 10 and Nico gained 7) so should have made it a gap of 27. Same time last year Hamilton was 29 behind but we are where we are and 10 points is not a lot if you get an engine problem or are tagged by a back marker.

Still all to play for in 2015 but I have to admit I am just not engaged in the fight this year....something is missing.....passion, excitement, Alonso mixing it up at the front..
Still think Rosberg has no chance?

Just 10 points in it...

Yes I just think that Lewis Hamilton is far the better driver & nico might have the better over him in the odd weekend he cant do it consistently over a championship I think I heatd it wouldve been 27 but for monaco. Yeah something is missing tuscan1969. I feel its jeopardy I dont feel any threat from nico & the ferraris are flattwring to deceive in practice & settling into the 3rd place after looking like they could challenge in Fp barring any horrendous luck (touch wood its doesn't) its Lewis's to lose
Still think Rosberg has no chance?

Just 10 points in it...

Erm, Is that an egg I see above my head ?? ;)

I stand by the fact that under normal circumstances it's Hamilton's to lose but I guess you never know. I just wish we could see a race where they went at each other in a lap after lap scrap to the finish. Just once, this season, that would be nice.
I believe the fundamental design of the cars just won't allow that.

There isn't enough of a differential between the two drivers/cars to allow them to attack and overtake, and even if there was, the driver with the speed advantage would just pass and disappear.

When the care are very closely matched, as they are now, follow too closely for too long and it kills the tyres, not to mention it's not possible to follow closely through corners anyway due to the "dirty air" problem, resulting in a lack of downforce.
Yeah, all true. You can see that in G's overtaking stats. Once the midfield has sorted itself out, the number of overtakes towards the top 6 drops away completely. Overtakes for the 7, 8 , 9 and 10 postions are in double figures, 1,2,3-6 are in low single figures.
I believe the fundamental design of the cars just won't allow that.

There isn't enough of a differential between the two drivers/cars to allow them to attack and overtake, and even if there was, the driver with the speed advantage would just pass and disappear.

When the care are very closely matched, as they are now, follow too closely for too long and it kills the tyres, not to mention it's not possible to follow closely through corners anyway due to the "dirty air" problem, resulting in a lack of downforce.

This seems to be even more true this year. Whichever Merc is in front after the first couple of corners, then seems to be able to control the race. Last year if Lewis was in front, he'd usually pull away from Nico, but the other way round and Lewis was usually all over him. At times when Lewis has been behind Nico this year he doesn't seem to be able to run so close behind.
Gary Anderson has written about the dirty air problem a few times and I think it's finally starting to get a bit of traction. Allow them to do more with underbody tunnels for down force so they are not so dependent on those blasted front wings, and we'll start to see some wheel to wheel racing. And of course, wider tyres with more mechanical grip.

But as long as those front wings are so large/complex....we're going to be seeing no legitimate passes for most of the race. It's DRS with "overfaking" to dominate until then.
Tip of that hat to Brogan for "overfaking" term! :goodday:
What are the driver's contract positions again please ? I can't see them intensely battling each other as teammates and one will be forced to move ?
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