Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

I'd like to remind everyone that the same thing was happening last year, between Australia and Monaco Hamilton couldn't stop winning. Rosberg sucker punched him in Monaco and then everything wasn't so effortless for Hamilton.

In my opinion, Rosberg is an inferior driver to Hamilton. Therefore he's unlikely to beat him over a total season, he needs to do what he did last year and rattle Hamilton. Pole position at a track like Catalunya or Monte Carlo, where overtaking is difficult, might just do the trick.
Rosberg appears to be the one thats rattled. He appears to have been digging himself a hole from the very start of the season. Strange complaints at the team, strange half jokes in the media, its all been very odd. The other drivers obviously smell blood too as both Lewis and Seb seem to have got under his skin effortlessly.

I'd love to see the Nico Rosberg we saw back in the middle of last year again pushing away at the front but right now be doesn't appear to be at the races.
I'm not on Rosberg's side here, I agree with Lewis. But it may well have been an underhand trick (or if intentional, in my view, a brilliant tactic). Some drivers, usually the not as good one, hold value in team agreements made before the race.

Hamilton spent a good amount of time accusing Nico of the same last season and Nico's reputation is forever tarnished. Hamilton has had enough tantrums and made enough accusations in his time in F1 that I'm not about to condemn Nico for the same.

After all, Hamilton's was due to passion and frustration right?

I don't think the question of who is a better driver needs answering, it's obvious.

Who is a better whiney bitch is up for discussion.
I am disappointed by Rosberg's whinge today.. it shows that he can't find answers to Hamilton's superior speed and is losing the psychological battle as well
. Having seen the twitter response of him at the airport I presume he looks very agitated by it all

Usually he is very cool but he seems to have forgotten that Vettel was 2nd in the championship before the race began and so Hamilton would rather have Rosberg finish 2nd than Vettel to extended his lead in the championship which he did

So Rosberg's mind is clearly scrambled:twisted:
Here are the words:

Rosberg: "It's now interesting to hear from you Lewis that you were just thinking about yourself with the pace in front.

"Unnecessarily, that was compromising my race because driving slower than was maybe necessary at the beginning of stints meant that Sebastian was very close to me and that opened up the opportunity for Sebastian to try that early pitstop, to try and jump me, and then I had to cover him.

"So first of all it was unnecessarily close with Sebastian as a result and also it cost me a lot of race time as a result, as I had to cover him and them my tyres died at the end of the race because my stint was so much longer.

"So I'm unhappy about that of course today. Other than that, not much to say."

Compere: “Lewis would you like to respond?”

Hamilton: "Not really [laughs]! It's not my job to look after Nico's race. My job is to manage the car and bring the car home as healthy and fast as possible. That is what I did.

"I didn't do anything intentionally to slow either of the cars up. I just focused on myself.

"If Nico wanted to get by he could have tried, but he didn't."

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