Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

At the top level there's a small group who believe they're the best, it's a rude awakening when they discover they're not. Nico is just starting to realise this and by the end of the season he'll know for sure that his childhood friend is a unique talent. He's possibly starting to realise this already hence the sour mood.
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What is sour about not wanting the driver behind you to catch up whilst you are having to drive slower than you can through no fault of your own?
Driving closer to Hamilton would have wasted Rosberg's tyres. Saving them was the whole point of the exercise.

How come I saw lots of other drivers follow people closer, overtake them and stay in front of them then?

Yes it would if hurt his tyres more but once he'd got past him then he could make the difference up no? Thats how it seems to work for everyone else.
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Oh what a surprise. Did someone tell Rosberg not to overtake his team mate? Why would the team do that this early in the season, so I doubt it. So why didn't he overtake, if he wanted to. It's always someone else's fault.
Nico is coming off really bad here and this is a ludicrous thing to be up in arms about. He was never seriously in danger of losing 2nd and he never seriously challenged Lewis.

His teammate proved several times over last year that you can indeed overtake the sister car for the lead. Problem here though is that I think Rosberg knew Lewis had a lot of pace in hand today and that an overtake was not in the cards. Gotta be frustrating.

Just a dominant meeting from Hamilton, even though Nico did give it a hell of a charge in the dying moments of Q3. Will Nico have to resort to shenanigans again this year?
Nico's trying to make out that he was wronged, where in all reality the fact he would never have been able to overtake Lewis due to pace Lewis had in hand (but deliberately holding back as much as he could to preserve fuel/tyres/PU etc.) meant Nico's position was rather self-imposed.
I'm surprised to see cracks in Nico's composure so early in the season. I have to wonder if Kewee has a point and Nico's already wondering how the hell he's going to beat Lewis, especially with Lewis looking so comfortable.
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