Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

I was disappointed to hear Nico talking about his oversteery car and stating that his set up was the same as Lewis's. A: He and Lewis should be running their own individually tailored set ups and b: Nico shouldn't even know what set up Lewis has on his car. Surely setting up your car is part of a racing drivers craft and you shouldn't be picking it "off the rack".
This year, we have seen Hamilton catching Rosberg at almost all of the races where Rosberg lead him.
Almost all the races this season have been choreographed by Mercedes to have their drivers converge at the end of the race. They have been given different strategies and target lap times, so whether it's been Lewis catching Nico or Nico catching Lewis it has been totally meaningless.
At Monza, Mercedes gave Hamilton a target lap time which he then proceeded to totally ignore, and he ignored the team's advice today as well. They ran into each other in Spa gifting Ricciardo a win, as Hamilton's refusal to move aside in Budapest had at the previous race.

If they're stage managing the races, they're doing a bloody awful job of it.
At Monza, Mercedes gave Hamilton a target lap time which he then proceeded to totally ignore, and he ignored the team's advice today as well. They ran into each other in Spa gifting Ricciardo a win, as Hamilton's refusal to move aside in Budapest had at the previous race.

If they're stage managing the races, they're doing a bloody awful job of it.
your forgetting that lewis could have won in budapest if they hadnt of just focused on nico winning.lewis was in a much better position to win.and nico should have just got the overtake done without asking for a easy overtake.
Almost all the races this season have been choreographed by Mercedes to have their drivers converge at the end of the race. They have been given different strategies and target lap times, so whether it's been Lewis catching Nico or Nico catching Lewis it has been totally meaningless.
i disagree.i mean firstly,we have seen them in wheel to wheel battles during races this season,and all but once lewis came out on top,the other time he got a puncture.plus nico has never come from behind to beat lewis this season,not a race that lewis has finished anyway.the races are not staged,but if they are tho,then it must be to help nico,because 3 times lewis has ignored "advice" given to him by his team,and has gone on to beat nico because of it.if lewis had of done as he was "advised",he might not have beat nico in those races.even today when lewis was catching nico,they told lewis to hold station and look after his tyres.i dont think anything in the races is staged,although when lewis was having so many car issues,i did get suspicious.
f1supreme I wasn't suggesting that the races have been staged. I contend that Mercedes strategy is to separate their drivers for the majority of the race. Their strategies are then meant to converge at the end of the race, the leader on the prime tyre, the chaser on the softer option tyre. This is choreography, and I contend that it is stupid and what happened in Hungary is a clear example of just how feeble minded and strategically constipated it is.
Ensuring two fairly hot-headed drivers battling hard for the championship stay apart on the track sounds like quite a sensible tactic to me!
It's not even remotely satisfactory and it doesn't work. Nico and Lewis have been bickering about the use of this and that button, tactic or selective deafness all season. It culminated in Nico intentionally avoiding avoiding an accident in Spa.
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