Wandering through this forum I was surprised to see this thread was still open and thought I might as well hop in and have "one for the road".
When watching the result of the race I suppose one could state McLaren got trumped by Vettel/RB,but also by Alonso/Ferrari,since he also finished in front of them.
Like many have mentioned ,those last 6 laps might have made a world of difference and then again, maybe not,we’ll never know.
One thing I learned after reading all the posts on this thread is that if someone wants Ray to fix him a soft boiled egg,he’d better ask for a super soft,or he might be served a hard one!

Sorry Ray,couldn’t resist.
Also,having watched that Vettel pit stop again,I noticed something interesting and something funny.
Contrary to what I first thought there was no panic in the RB hen house,they executed that stop like clockwork,as usual,albeit for 3 tyres and not 4.
The chap with the fresh right front is the one to blame for botching up the stop.
A big bloke, who’s pointing his finger to someone in the distance(I suppose to the back-up guy with a trolly to lift the front of the car)while the used right front was already screwed off.
His focus then turns back on his tyre,he’s having second thoughts,lifts his head again and finally takes the cover off.
He then hops like the easter bunny,almost tripping over the wheel “matress”,hops again and finally delivers his “easter egg”.Very funny,it reminded me of comedy capers.
As for now ,this couch potato critic,like many others I suppose, is getting prepared for the Canadian race,who knows what we’ll get to see there!