Jenson Button

Arguably the best ever driver in mixed conditions, all his wins at Mclaren have come in those conditions. His last race win in the dry came at the 2009 Turkish GP.

Button is known for his smooth driving style and is normally seen in must races doing one less stop than his rivals for tyres.

Buttons also know to be a bit of a practical joker and will take part in anything fun.

Since his debut in 2000 Button has won the majority of hearts in this country. But what is your favourite JB win?

Mine has to be Hungaroring 2006, in argubly a midfield team and he won the race in those mixed conditions to take his first win. I can remember James Allen been in tears almost and that was the first race Anthony Davidson ever commentated on.
Jenson is going to start next race with all of Lewis's settings, then take it from there. He realises he wont be as fast as Lewis on those settings but he and his engineers think its a good place to start from.

Button confirmed that the start point for this effort will be to work from Lewis Hamilton’s set up and then evolve from there, “The first thing you do is set the car up like the other one and that’s how we’ll do it initially,” he said. “I won’t be as quick as him on those settings but then we can work from there and find a set up that works for me.”

edit: just read Racecub's post, beaten to it!:clip:
I'd love to know what's changed so much since Button won in Australia. From winning to back of the field. Extraordinary really! :dunno:
Perhaps he is good at tip-toeing and everybody has stopped tip-toeing. I really think it's just down to driving style. These tyres need to be pushed around a bit, both by driving and by setup. I don't think Jenson's driving style or consequently car setup are condusive with getting the most out of the tyres. There are only a few drivers who have been able3 to consistently adapt to the trye changes over the past three years. Most notably, I think that these are Lewis Hamilton, Nico Rosberg, Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel as far as the front-runners are concerned. If a driver is to have continued success in the currently ever-changing F1 then they need to be able to adapt, whi is what I believe Jenson is struggling to do.
It's puzzling because McLaren have concentrated on getting good aero at the rear of the car since pre-season, and the nose update was supposed to enhance rear aero further. It was speculated that these changes would harm Hamilton more as he prefers a planted front end whereas Button is the opposite, but clearly the car has moved away from Button's liking even more as both Whitmarsh and Michael say Button prefer the car to be 100% to his liking and it obviously isnt.
I don't think it's so much the car as it is what he is doing with it. I really think that he needs to drive differently for the tyyres this year and that this means he'll also need to change his setup. There has been a lot of talk about the narrow operating window of the tyres this year. Well it's the drivers who have a very broad operating window that will be able to explore and find the optimum setup for tyres. Jenson is known to have a relatively narrow operating window as a driver and if the tyres operating window is outside of that, he's stuffed.

I might be wrong, but that's how I'm reading it at the moment. Mr. consistent will not win a championship this year. Mr dynamic is going to come out on top.
As it goes Hamilton is better with a car that has a more unbalanced set-up. In fact, he likes oversteery cars due to his driving style.

I'd liken it to an RAF Typhoon. It's an incredibly fast and manoeverable aircraft but extremely unstable at the same time. There's a lot going on with both aircraft and pilot to keep it in the air at all.
I don't think it's so much the car as it is what he is doing with it. I really think that he needs to drive differently for the tyyres this year and that this means he'll also need to change his setup. There has been a lot of talk about the narrow operating window of the tyres this year. Well it's the drivers who have a very broad operating window that will be able to explore and find the optimum setup for tyres. Jenson is known to have a relatively narrow operating window as a driver and if the tyres operating window is outside of that, he's stuffed.

That's what i was getting at, you just worded it better than I did:thumbsup:[
From what I understand, the problem that JB has been having is that his rear tyres are at a much higher operating temperature than his front tyres, which leads to imbalance, which leads to excess wear at the rear. This is largely for obvious reasons, in that the rears spin up more, causing them to heat up more. Now, I understand that McLaren have a trick rear brake system, which heats up the rear tyres. Surely the obvious thing to do would be to remove this from JB's car.... (Although I'd guess they've already thought of this!)

The electronic trickery is almost certainly something in the diff - the rear brake warming is a duct which vents through the rear wheels to heat the tyres - but you're right - change one thing and it could have the result of slowing them down.
After all the hoha crap that is spoken about Jenson Button there is one thing that he has that any other driver has never had or ever will have not Lewis not Vettel not Alonso not even the late great Jim Clark or Fangio not even the master himself Michael Schumacher.

Jenson won his WDC in a team that was born and lasted only one season and was then gone, it was underfunded and did not have the resources to develop the car throughout the season and so had to rely on it's initial pace to win, that team was BrawnGP and it also won the WCC mostly due to Jenson's driving those are the facts and that is what history will record, no other driver can claim this and it is very doubtful it will ever be repeated.

Everything he has done since then (Including beating Lewis in what was considered Lewis's own team.) is just a bonus.

Jenson has nothing left to prove, he is an F1 great and will forever be so, history will record this and say as much, basically he is already a legend and he hasn't finished yet..
You make out like he built the car. He did drive it superbly but there are few drivers that wouldn't have. To quote Jenson: "Guys! Amazing! You've built a monster".

Well done to Jenson, but I would assign most of your points of merit to Ross Brawn.

[Edit] I'm ony detracting from Jenson what you have piled on him. I have every respect for his achievement.
Button in '09 did exactly what every other World Champion who has ever lived had done before him; he made absolutely the best use of the tools that the team had given him to do his job. This is what marks World Champions above other drivers, such as their team-mates for example - if it was all about the car then the cars would finish in 2x2 formation best car first and so on. Button>Barrichello, Vettel>Webber, Hamilton>Kovalainen, Raikkonen>Massa, Alonso>Fisichella/Trulli etc etc etc. I like the guy, and as McLaren fan I hope he and the team sort out his current woes, but to say Button in '09 achieved something that no-one has ever done before is, putting it politely, stretching the imagination just a touch for me.

Is Jenson the first driver to be told he had no drive and potentially be finished in f1 ? i think what is meant is he won the title with a new team so to speak

he is btw the first world champion after taking more than 100 races to win his first race
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