Jenson Button

Arguably the best ever driver in mixed conditions, all his wins at Mclaren have come in those conditions. His last race win in the dry came at the 2009 Turkish GP.

Button is known for his smooth driving style and is normally seen in must races doing one less stop than his rivals for tyres.

Buttons also know to be a bit of a practical joker and will take part in anything fun.

Since his debut in 2000 Button has won the majority of hearts in this country. But what is your favourite JB win?

Mine has to be Hungaroring 2006, in argubly a midfield team and he won the race in those mixed conditions to take his first win. I can remember James Allen been in tears almost and that was the first race Anthony Davidson ever commentated on.
As for the media attention seeking glamour model sharing the opinon that sucess has gone to his head. Firstly at least he earned his fame and secondly it feels a bit like Pol Pot campaigning for human rights
This was your claim

Well if anyone has a bit of time on their hands, they can add some statistical significance to the debate by working out the standings for races held in mixed conditions since 2009 (when Jenson found himself in competitive machinery so not to disadvantage him). My belief is that he won't make the top 3 let alone win the comp.

These were the races Keke stated

2009 Malaysia (WET) -
2009 China (WET) -
2010 Australia (Mixed) -
2010 China (Mixed) -
2010 Belgium (Mixed) -
2010 Korea (WET) -
2011 Canada (WET/Mixed)
2011 GBR (Mixed) -
2011 Hungary (Mixed) -

This was the table done using the current points scoring system

Jenson Button: 140pts
Lewis Hamilton: 107pts
Fernando Alonso: 101pts
Mark Webber: 90pts
Sebastian Vettel: 87pts
Fellipe Massa: 64pts
Robert Kubica: 53pts
Nico Rosberg: 47pts
Michael Schumahcer 34pts
Rubens Barrichello: 34pts
Nick Heidfeld: 24 pts
Timo Glock : 19pts
Vitantonio Liuzzi: 14pts
Jarno Trulli: 12pts
Adrian Sutil 10pts
Heiki Kovalianian 10pts
Vitaly Petrov 10pts
Kamui Kobyashi 8pts
Paul Di Resta 6pts
Jamie Alguersauri 6pts
Sebastian Buemi 5pts
Sebastian Bourdais 5pts
Kimi Rakkionien 1pt
Nico Hulkenberg 1pt

Now maybe I might be out here and there with the odd point as it was done in a hurry. If you can produce some evidence that changes the order of this table then I would love to see it.
Why has Turkey 2010 been disregarded? The showers came and in the words on Brundle - "this is Jenson territory".

I can re-do it to include that race if you wish. Could do the top 2 for you right now without even thinking about it

Button 157pt
Hamilton 132pts.

makes a huge difference to the debate doesn't it?
I spotted the error when you posted it but the discussion had moved on then and i got sidetracked. Even a cursory look at the numbers would indicate that your figures are too high for a start looking at the races. I'll definitely cede on the point that Jenson has the best overall record. However, when you ignore the 2009 results when he had the outright best car in the first half of the season when he won those races, it's pretty much even between him and Hamilton. Let us know if you want the numbers.
And removing races where only one driver finished, (Belgium 2010, and Canada and gb this year), and also excluding 2009, we end up with Jenson 93, Lewis 81. That includes Korea.

I fully agree with Cfs that stats are not the whole picture, but they are part of it.
There is no way that Turkey 2010 counts as a wet race. If you include that, you've got to include this year's Malaysian Grand Prix as well, because there was a bit of rain at the start of that (as I recall) that no-one changed tyres for.
Changeable conditions = at least one tyre change for weather

eg Korea

And over the time Lewis and Jenson have been teammates they are pretty much equal on points in races under those conditions

In fact I think lewis comes out ahead
I say changeable conditions = change in track condiions from wet/partially to dry/partially dry or vice versa. :D

@Rasputin - Are you still number crunching bro? :)

I say that it is where the weather is unpredictable. Dry to wet or wet to dry over a race does not count as changeable. Rain at unpredictable intervals does. It's the unpredictability that defines changeable. Same as you might describe someone's mood as changeable if you didn't know how they would behave from one moment to the next.
Let's not get mired in what constitutes which condition as well!

Cfs, since becoming team mates, it is honours even on 118 points. As you pointed out, there are the unknowns where one driver was out through no fault of their own, which I have shown earlier (Belgium 2010, Canada and gb 2011) and jb comes out ahead.

My personal view is, that turkey 2010 was dry, as there was not enough rain to moisten a cleansing towelette, let alone change tyres, although, even leaving it in, it makes little difference.

Maybe we should exclude races with an "a" in the name of the host country!!! :)
I say that it is where the weather is unpredictable. Dry to wet or wet to dry over a race does not count as changeable. Rain at unpredictable intervals does. It's the unpredictability that defines changeable. Same as you might describe someone's mood as changeable if you didn't know how they would behave from one moment to the next.

That's your opinion. There is a fair amount of weather prediction in F1 so that defintion falls down. Let's not lose sight of the fact that this debate is about 'driving skill' under changing conditions, whether predictable or not.
Maybe we should exclude races with an "a" in the name of the host country!!! :)

Maybe we should have a whole different thread for changeable conditions. Although if we dropped races where the country's name contains an "a" we could get rid of both the races in Spain and boot out Bahrain while we're it. Would be a shame to lose Canada though.
That's your opinion. There is a fair amount of weather prediction in F1 so that defintion falls down. Let's not lose sight of the fact that this debate is about 'driving skill' under changing conditions, whether predictable or not.

I'm not getting into your daft argument. I just thought you needed some help with the definition of the word "changeable" to stop you going round in circles. Which, by the way, is getting very tedious indeed. My work here is done. See ya!
To be honest it's a moot point to the actual debate and simplistic analogies will derail this thread quicker than the East Coast mainline.

@ Pits - Agreed but at least it helps them plan ahead in terms of readying tyres, strategy etc.
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