Head To Head Jenson Button vs Sergio Pérez

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racecub your insinuations have been on the verge of Button brake testing Perez which is why you are considered to be "spouting rubbish"

"A few corners later, Button is a little slower coming on exit and Perez taps the rear of the 2009 world champion's car."

It's worth considering RickD and I would assume it was the cars in front that slowed Jenson. How much we can realistically expect Perez to accommodate that given wheel to wheel racing by default removes the requirement for stopping distances is debateable. For all we know the cars in front made both Button and Perez have to alter at the same point but their close proximity made the tap inevitable.
Brake testing??? Care to point out where I've said that ? I've mentioned ONCE!!!!!! that he was slow on the apex, thats not spouting. you go on to say, it's certainly worth considering .....which is why I mentioned it.The only way we'll know for sure is by seeing the telemetry, which is why I mentioned that. I'll say again, if I was Perez I'd want to see that telemetry if only for my own peace of mind.
I didn't say you said it, I said your insinuations were on the verge of that. I had the same reaction as RickD when I first read it hence my slowing on the apex response. It's an explanation for why someone else said you were spouting rubbish.

"Going particularly slowly" and "a little slower" are fairly big differences if you were indeed paraphrasing the beeb commentary.
Well you are incorrect in your explanation . I think we should stick to discussing the topic rather than taking digs at other posters.

I think it will be very interesting to see these two drivers next time they come up against each other in the height of battle. Will either of them have altered their behaviour? Very interesting indeed!!
There is a glaring problem with suggesting button had to go slow because of other cars, when Perez hit him there were no other cars nearby. Ive seen it mentioned and heard on the BBC that Jenson appeared to be slower than normal too. Of course that could just be because of the more defensive line, but either way the touch was so marginal anyway. But then that just prooves Perez was faster and the sensible thing for Henson to do would be let him through and save his tyres.
That's my point exactly pirateplunder! There were no cars in front then because Jenson was slow, and if I remember correctly at one point , Perez was being backed into a following car ( not deliberately, but because Jenson was slower than him) . So Perez would have been desperate to get past and use his speed. Maybe like you say Jenson took an awkward defensive line. Maybe his tyres were going, he did end up doing four stops. But he certainly hurt his own race by not letting Perez past.
I didn't watch the race (because I was otherwise occupied), but reading about it afterwards, I thought it was kinda funny that in the previous race Button asked if he should defend when someone (I forgot who, but I think it was Hamilton) was coming close while they were on different strategies. But a race later when it's his teammate who's coming close, he instinctively defends.
It's not really in the interest of the team to strongly defend on your teammate, while he is on a different strategy. Effectively you could be ruining his race.
Jenson hasn't said anything different to what any other driver would have said, and has said in the same situation...

I've heard the words stupid, drunk and others, used to describe an opponents driving, but Jenson's use of the word dirty to describe Perez's driving, is a new one for me.
Christ this has been overtalked! This is how I see things...

Perez was careless when he went into the back of Button, he could have punctured Button's tire, as his team-mate he should have shown more care. Not dangerous.

Button needs to shut it. He gave as good as he got. I don't think he 'brake tested' Perez, however if he was deliberately slow on the apex then more power to him, it's a great defensive tactic in order to not allow the following driver on the power to overtake. The ball is in Perez's court not to hit him.
Perez has managed to upset every world champion so far with his erratic driving except Vettel so you know who's next on his hit list so to speak

Perez would have got a serious carpeting if both cars went out there and then...

it is always the car behind that needs to mind their braking point to the car in front especially if its your own teammate

In case people forget Mclaren are part owned by Bahrain owners so that would have been massive embarassment if the two cars went out there an then
Aggression is in the nature of the beast. All racers are capable of it whether it be against their team mate or the opposition. Do we really want a load of chaps going round in circles saying "After you, no after you"! - the only championship won then would the 'most gentlemanly'.
Perez has again reiterated that he has not apologised to Button because he has nothing to apologise for. He stated this at some car demonstration recently, but in his own language. Here it is in English. He says he apologised to the team because they both risked the cars and points, and that's what his talk with Jenson was about, it was not an apology to Jenson, that was misreported.
I'm pleased to hear this. I wondered why Perez had felt the need to apologise. If he's to stand a fighting chance at Mclaren with Jenson as a team mate he needs to do so not only on the track but also play the political game. It looks like he's recognised this. I don't think he'll be a walkover.
racecub - Maybe the fact that he hit the back of Button - that might be something worth apologising for - similarly, Button forcing Perez off the track might be something worth apologising for...

What I will say is that if Button went too far in pushing Perez off the track in Bahrain, then the same thing is true in Valencia in 2012 with Maldo and Hamilton! - I thought the general concensus was that Hamilton was blameless in Valencia, so also must be Button in Bahrain! ;)
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