I'm still in favour of DRS because I am still able to accept it as another tool at the drivers disposal. I would like to see more freedom in its use; after all it serves the same purpose as the f-duct (a driver aid to reduce drag).
I'm old enough, as are many of us, to remember manual gearboxes and the number of overtakes created by missed / messed up gear changes. I think if we can view this as another opportunity for drivers to make a mistake then it is easier to accept it as part of the overall package that is F1 racing. To help this along I would like to see totally free use (leading / chasing / wherever) as I suspect the drivers will push their cars to the limit on reduced downforce prior to a corner leading to inevitable mistakes. That, I believe, will increase overtaking on corners which I find much more satisfying to watch than a drag race down the straight.
In a similar vien, KERS is no different to turbo boost, in my eyes, and therefore is no more artificial. Those of us who remember that era were often thrilled to see how far teams could push their engines before the big bang. If there is anything that is wrong with this then it is the bullet proof nature of todays cars. The regulations are enforcing to high a level of reliability by stringently restricting the amount of power available.
Finally, I'm happy with the way Pirelli have met the brief on tyres. Widening the gap between prime and option appears to be improving the racing by opening up variations in strategy. This is a best compromise while we are being denied tyre wars because of the single supplier deal.
F1 is still my sport and it has always changed and people have always argued about the direction it is following from year to year. we can't go backwards and the only thing I can guarantee is that it won't be the same in 2012 (for better or worse). OK, so we are only at Race 3 and I agree with those who say the real test will be Barcelona; if the changes make that race interesting then I'd be tempted to call them an unqualified success (oh how I hate Barcelona
