"Top shelf" usually refers to porn magazines, which are on the top shelf at the newsagents to stop the kids reading them.
Mr Vettel is one of the best drivers - ever. Just watch his quali lap for Pole in Japan this year!
End of.
Constructing qualitative or quantitative arguments in favour of one or the other is pretty pointless, and actually just boils down to 'I like so and so because of some characteristics I find to be appealing within my own frame of reference'.
If you consider the content on this site to be vitriolic then I recommend you don't visit any other sites on the internet.I now post very rarely simple due to all of vitriol applied to Vettel
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andrew Benson appears to think that our two German multiple world champions have been somewhat flattered by circumstances and by their equipment. Driver measure is not all down to the tables and statistics, he effectively explains. for the most part, I agree with his standpoint and the gist of his article.
Note: I know some of you will immediately dismiss this as it has come from Andrew Benson, but I suggest that we pay his opinions the same respect as we would posters on this forum.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andrew Benson should use the off-season to visit the good people of Encyclopaedia Britannica in Chicago, Illinois and have them explain to him what a double standard is. Bemoaning Alonso's bad luck while ignoring Vettel's is a prime example of such pitiful behavior.
The similar double standard attempts to burn Schumacher to the ground are even worse. He -correctly- states that it's not all statistics and numbers, but then uses that as to say that anyone who does have statistics and numbers is thus bad. Unless of course it's a certain 2-, 3- or 4-time champion.
Try and read again what he said.
All he says is Alonso is the yard-stick, he does not say Vettel is a bad driver/not a good driver.