Formula One races are too long

That wouldn't help.
The reason why incidents are investigated after the race is because they need to interview both drivers.

That's a bit tricky to do if they're still racing ;)
Obviously I don't think that races are to long in fact sometimes they are over to quickly, but as for time the races are on that is down to the needs of the circuits and enough time for people arriving before the race and leaving after it.

Also when people go to see a race they want to feel like they have had a day out it is not just about watching the race so having it earlier or later than 1 or 2 o clock is not really an option, and to be honest I'm fine with that...
The only thing that's too long is how long the deliberation takes on investigating race incidents. The races need to be extended for another couple of hours to aid this to save incidents being investigated after the race.

No the only thing that is too long is the bloody padded out pre race show on Sky who the hell watches all of that? I personally start watching about 25 minutes before the race starts but Sky's pre race program can be anything between 1 and a half to 2 hours long....:bored:
That wouldn't help.
The reason why incidents are investigated after the race is because they need to interview both drivers.

That's a bit tricky to do if they're still racing ;)
Some do require the drivers feedback I agree, but how long did it take to punish Maldo's jump start last week? Charlie saw it, track sensor confirmed it as did GPS and video footage. Before being penalised he went on to destroy somebody else's race all while the stewards were investigating an incident where all those involved were out of the race.
No the only thing that is too long is the bloody padded out pre race show on Sky who the hell watches all of that? I personally start watching about 25 minutes before the race starts but Sky's pre race program can be anything between 1 and a half to 2 hours long....:bored:

I agree with that, not a fan of Sky anyway so forced to watch it today but started late so as to miss much of the dross and adverts as possible.
Time is all relative, for some races, a typical Bahrain or Valencia say, 2 laps is too long as the boredom kicks in.
If a race is good then 2 hours/45 mintues (delete as applicable for Sky/BBC viewers) can seem far too short.
Surely it's the quality of the racing not the quantity of laps which defines how enjoyable the race is.
Perhaps we should bring in a system of 20 standard laps + 1 lap extra for each on-track battle (I'd love to see them calculate the fuel load though LOL)
I think the race length is perfect. Out here in the states, I have to record the race at 5am Sunday morning. I watch it a bit later in the day. After fast forwarding through the commercial breaks, I'm done it just over an hour. How is that too long?
If you want short, then watch drag racing.
Maybe they could save the money by not having a race at all, they could simply allocate points based on qualifying. TBY has already given them a head start. That way, we could all spend Sunday doing something worthwhile, like being on the beach or something.

Seriously, how can a bloke his age tell me what to do to appeal to the younger generation?
I would imagine Montazuma's comments have less to do with his teams position on the structure of F1 and more to do with saying the sort of things that Jean Todt would like to hear. I guess its more a case of political posturing than anything else. Most of the top teams have all recorded profits in the last few years and I wouldn't imagine they are really bothered about the fortunes of teams like Marrusia or HRT. It's also somewhat funny that given Ferrari have had a major hand in the formation of Formula 1 technical policy in the last 10 to 12 years you could say they only have themselves to blame about the way its turned out. Recent Ferrari design policy seems to have centred more on stopping others developing ideas than creating ideas of their own. Mass Dampers, F-ducts, Layered CF front wings, double diffusers, Double DRS the lisst goes on. None of these ideas were develloped by Ferrari, all were banned and in most cases, the resulting ban allowed Ferrari to regain some of the pace they had lost to cars with these devices. Strange days indeed.
I would imagine Montazuma's comments have less to do with his teams position on the structure of F1 and more to do with saying the sort of things that Jean Todt would like to hear.
I hope you're not suggesting that Ferrari and the FIA are in bed together.
What possible reason would you have for saying that? Where's the proof that has ever been the case?

Oh wait...
I'd actually describe it as something along these lines: it's like being at School, the FIA is the Teacher and Ferrari is that annoying nerd at the front of the class who always rats on the cool kids at the back. You know the sort of thing "Sir, Sir, Wiggens is using a moving aerodynamic device on his pencil case and Johnson hasn't done his homework sir, would you like an apple sir". Occasionally the cool kids kick the nerds ass and leave him hanging off a coat peg in the bogs by his Y-fronts but more often than not he hides behind the teacher. Having said all that though, when the teacher goes back to the staff room to talk to the other staff and Mr Ecclestone the headmaster, they can't help but take the piss out of the nerd for being a little shit and occasionally they take great delight in clipping his wings.

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