Movies Film Thread

Last week I watched Spooks - For the Greater Good, and there was a moment in that (I won't say where and when but those who have seen it will know) that is far too dark for the tone of the rest of the film and actually made me feel slightly numb. After that, this weeks movie of choice was the new Mad Max film, two hours of blam bam kabaam whaam with barely a single humorous moment to lift the doom and gloom and a rapid resolution leaving little to dwell on.

All in all, I need to watch something to cheer me up.

I'm not so sure.

As far as Mad Max goes though, I really expected there to be some dark humor in it but was completely missing which made the story pretty grim and lifeless. A huge car chase across a post apocalyptic world in which most humans are half mad, mostly near death, lunatics isn't exactly set up to be a laugh a second but some light among the shade would have been nice.
Well, you're fine on A,B and C this time. it's Mel and Tina free.

I wouldn't go as far as saying this one is D (in fact most reviews I've read on line are going potty about it and saying it's awesome), it's just one massive car chase spread over two hours. Ok enough I suppose but it lacked heart I thought.
Can't remember that bit but it's a Lada taxi versus some great big German thing and the stunt driver does half the driving in reverse.
Presumably he also does it with 90% of the bodywork missing, all four tyre off the rims, a crazed windscreen that he cannot see out of and an engine and gearbox assembly trailing ten yards behin the car.

Strangely I find car chases in such films to be totally naff.
Back on to films I've watched a couple of really crappy horror movies recently. The Purge: Anarchy and Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort. Complete crap but kept my brain occupied for a few hours.
I also watched Mousehunt (again) at the weekend. If you haven't seen this make the effort to watch it, a brilliant piece of slapstick comedy. Lee Evans in particular is brilliant with a modern Norman Wisdom type performance.
I had the misfortune of watching a film called "Into the Woods." the other night.

It has James Cordon in it so I really should have known better.

Well I say watched I binned it before half way.

Here is the trailer feel free to vomit into you dinner.

By the way they sing "Into the woods" constantly.

Do not under any circumstances allow your children to see it, or you will end up topping yourself or committing bloody murder on someone or both.

I cannot believe that Meryl streep and Johnny Depp allowed themselves to get involved in this pile of horse shit.


Oh yeah, it is supposed to be a comedy but when Mr Wolf (Johnny Depp) is talking to Little Red Riding Hood it came across as more like paedophilia...
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