Can we arrange a gagging order?
I didn't say it was a great film I just said it was better then the original and Rocky 2 seemed to be just a remake of Rocky to me except he won at the end..Rocky 4 ??? You've got to be kidding !! That bullshit speech he makes at the end where Gorby gets up and claps. Really?
Yes but Aliens had a bit more substance about it, obviously Alien was a ground breaking film, and ms weaver almost showed her minge...No way is Aliens better than Alien.
Alien is and will always be the alien movie.
But it had a giant Russian who smacked Carl Weathers in the head surely that has got to count for something?It's not often I disagree with you but Rocky 4 is several times worse than Rocky. Rocky doesn't even do a Hollywood ending and have the plucky underdog win. It's a great film. Rocky 2, well yeah you may have a point there but come on. Rocky 4 oh no no no.