Fill in the Blanks - Rosberg


Valued Member
I checked. It has been 3 years since we did this.

So, fill in the blanks with short, pithy and wise commentary to make this comment funnier:

“A shame, I would have loved to carry the :censored: as a tribute to the :censored:,” said Rosberg on :censored:, “but of course I respect :censored:”.
“A shame, I would have loved to carry the lady's handbag as a tribute to the stunning work she did in free practise,” said Rosberg on telling Susie Wolff where he'd left it, “but of course I respect the idea of women drivers in F1, a bit."
“A shame, I would have loved to carry the blame for not passing Lewis as a tribute to the Massa Alonso incident,” said Rosberg on being shown he was slower than Hamilton, “but of course I respect the width of the track”.

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